
Friday, May 31, 2019

Lizzie Borden Essay -- essays research papers fc

It is best described by the closing arguments for Lizzie Bordens defense, made by her attorney, George D. RobinsonThe Lizzie Borden case has mystified and fascinated those elicit in crime forover on hundred years. Very few cases in American history have attracted as much attention as the tomahawk murders of Andrew J. Borden and his wife, Abby Borden. The bloodiness of the acts in an otherwise respectable late nineteenth century domestic setting is startling. Along with the gruesome nature of the crimes is the unexpected character of the accused, not a hatchet-wielding maniac, but a church-going, Sunday-school-teaching, respectable, spinster-daughter, charged with parricide, the murder of parents, a crime worthy of Classical Greek tr whiledy. This is a murder case in which the accused is be not guilty for the violent and bloody murders of two people. There were the unusual circumstances considering that it was an era of swift justice, of vast newspaper coverage, evidence that was al most only when circumstantial, passionately divided public opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused, incompetent prosecution, and acquittal.&type A9Not much is described of Lizzie Andrew Bordens childhood. On March 1, 1851, Emma Lenora Borden was born to Andrew and Sarah Borden, and on July 19, 1860, Lizzie had arrived. While Lizzie was at the young age of two, Sarah died of uterine congestion. In 1865, Andrew Borden wed Abby Durfee-a short, shy, obese woman who had been a spinster until the age of 36. Abbys family were not as well off as the Bordens.& ampere9Lizzie suffered from psychomotor epilepsy, a strange seizure of the temporal lobe that has one distinct type a "black-out" in which the patients carry out their actions in a dream state, aware of every action without knowing what they are doing. Lizzie Borden seemed to have two all told different personalities the good daughter (a member of the Congressional Church, and a brilliant (conversationalist), and the bad daughter (deeply resentful of the patriarchy). These two personalities could be explained by the families contradiction closely their social statuses. She also had a habit of stealing from the local merchants. The Borden family of Fall River, Massachusetts, was well known-not only because of Andrew Bordens wealth, but also because of the New England name. Lizzi... ...rders took place. The Lizzie Borden House Bed and eat Museum was to open on, appropriately, August 4. The breakfast includes food eaten the morning of the murders, such as bananas, johnnycakes, sugar cookies, and coffee with the management dressed as and playing the part of the Bordens.&nbspBibliography"Borden Murder Trial Begun." New York Times June 6, 1893.Clover, Carol J. Men, Women, and Chainsaws Gender in the Modern Horror Film. Princeton Princeton Publishing, 1992.Kent, David, ed. Lizzie Borden Sourcebook. Boston Branden Publishing Co., 1992.The Legend of Lizzie Borden. Video. Director Willi am Bast. George Lemaire Productions in stand with Paramount, 1975. Starring Elizabeth Montgomery."Lizzie Borden is Acquitted." New York Times. June 21, 1893.Porter, Edwin H. The Fall River Tragedy A History of the Borden Murders. Portmand, Maine King Phillip Publishing, 1985.http//www.sirus.com/rlf/lizzie/chronology.html "Lizzie Borden Basic Chronology."http//www.bram.addr.com/newpage41.htm "Try to Catch Forty Whacks Er, Winks At This B&ampB." by Bram Eisenthal

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Republic of Chad Essay -- Population Growth, Chads Cultural Structure

Chad is an ethnically diverse African country that also happens to be hotshot of the poorest countries in Africa. Chad gained its independence from France in 1960 after a sixty year rule. There atomic number 18 several national cultures in Chad that are based on ethnoregional and spiritual affiliations. There are more than 200 ethnic groups in Chad, and those in the north and east are typically Muslim most southerners are animists and Christians. Through their long religious and commercial relationships with Sudan and Egypt, many of the peoples in Chads eastern and central regions have become more or less Arabized, speaking Arabic and engaging in many other Arab cultural practices as well (Azevedo, Graham, and Nnadozie). The people who reside in southern Chads took more readily to European culture during the French colonial period.The county of Chad is 495,752 form millilitres and is three times larger than California, according to the CIA World Fact Book. Chad has a popula tion of 10,543,464 as of July 2010, which is a population density of 14.2 people per square mile and a population growth rate of 2.038 percent, according to the CIA World Fact Book. Chad also has an urban population of twenty-seven percent, according to the CIA World Fact Book.Chad is one of the poorest countries on the African continent. Chads economy is mostly agricultural and eighty percent of Chads population relies on subsistence farming and livestock rising as their livelihood, cotton farming, outgrowth sorghum, millet, groundnuts, vegetables, and fruits (Azevedo, Graham, and Nnadozie). The other twenty percent of Chads population works in the industry services such as manufacturing, services, and the military. According to the CIA World Fact Book, eigh... ...employees who sign up for it. The McDonalds could bring endless possibilities to Chad. The people who be learn new skill, some could get the opportunity to could to college, receive health carry on, be able to t ake care of their families, and maybe open up their own business one day. My McDonalds on Chad could possibly help to strengthen Chads economy, but I honestly dont think a McDonalds would do well in Chad. Chad is basically a large plain, with some mountain ranges, and desert. To put a McDonalds in the middle of the desert would be ludicrous. The absolute majority of the people are still living in an agrarian culture and I dont think they would be very willing to spend what little gold they do have on McDonalds. I think if this were a real business venture it would be a major failure. Chad just doesnt have the economy to support a McDonalds.

Social Class and Health Essay -- Mental Health Nursing

This essay will explore the socio-economic background affecting Regina and the circumstances she faces within her life. In growth to this, I will examine the Sociological model of Social class in comparison to why Regina finds herself in the specific social position that she is in, as well investigating the contributing factors that are associated with social class and health issues. The definition of Sociology described together with the Social Class Model itself. Firstly I will provide a brief picture of Reginas situation Regina is a 23 year old single mother of a two year old son. She lives on her avow in council accommodation in Bridgeton. Since the age of 8 she has suffered from arthritis, this gutter be extremely painful at clock and needs on-going help from her mother and best friend to care for her child. Due to her health conditions Regina is unable to work therefore receives state benefits. The benefit reform is causation worry for Regina. Additionally Regina a nd her ex-partner are disputing child visitation issues. Although Regina receives multi-disciplinary help for her arthritis, she is concerned about the instability of her illness and now feels socially isolated and depressed.The definition of Sociology can be defined in numerous ways there is not right or wrong answer with it, I have chosen the simplest definition I can find which is Sociology is the study of human social life, groups and societies. It is a dazzling and compelling enterprise, having as its a subject matter our own behaviour as social beings. The scope of sociology is extremely wide, ranging from analysis of passing encounters between individuals in the street up to investigation of world-wide social processes (Giddens Sociology, 1... ...a and treat her successfully.ReferencesBBC News. (2013). the bang-up British Class Survey - Results. Available http//www.bbc.co.uk/science/0/21970879. Last accessed 5 celestial latitude 2014.Denny, E Earle, S (2008). Sociology for Nurses. Malden Polity Press. p140--160.Giddens,A. (1989). Sociology. Available http//www.sociology.org.uk/as4i1b.htm. Last accessed 28 November 2014.Gro-Scotland. (2010). National Records of Scotland. Available http//www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/files2/stats/council-area-data-sheets/glasgow-city-factsheet.pdf. Last accessed 28 November 2014.Murali, V Oyebode, F. (2004). Poverty, social inequality and mental health. Available http//apt.rcpsych.org/content/10/3/216.full. Last accessed 5th December 2014.Womble,D M (2011). Introductory Mental Health Nursing. 2nd ed. Philadelphia Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p60-67.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

James Carville: Guard Dog of the White House :: Essays Papers

James Carville Guard Dog of the White HouseJames Carville has been one of President Clintons most ada human racet supporters throughout the impeachment crisis. Carville is a veteran campaign strategist who headed Clintons campaign in 1992 and has advised him since the campaign. His harsh and sometimes wild criticisms of Clintons opponents have made Carville the rhetorical attack dog of the Democratic Party. The purpose of Carvilles attacks was to rally support for Clinton. Fighting for Clinton was both helpful to Carvilles flight and financially beneficial for him. Carville used a few concise points that he presented in his aggressive partisan style to argue against Clintons critics. The media frequently cover Carvilles attacks because of their brevity and excessiveness. Carville skillfully used the media to his advantage. He plays an active role in personalizing political issues by attacking the character of his opponents. These personal assaults divert trouble away from the issue s themselves. However, questioning the character of those who are often running smear campaigns of their own can bring to light some the faults of Carvilles political adversaries. Kenneth bump off suggested rhetoric could be analyzed using five elements, act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose. Two of these five elements stand out from the rest as most crucial to the speakers rhetoric during the impeachment crisis (Nichols 1963). Agency and purpose were the most important facets of James Carvilles rhetoric. Carvilles purpose was to rally support for President Clinton while advancing his pallbearer and benefiting financially. The agencies he used to accomplish his purpose were several concise complaints against Independent Councilor, Kennith Starr, his aggressive rhetorical assault against Starr, Carvilles image, and the media which Carville used to bring his message to the American public. James Carvilles chief priority has been to defend Bill Clinton since Carville became the chie f campaign strategist for Clintons 1992 presidential campaign. In an interview with Katie Couric on Today, Carville asserts his motives that man Clinton had been good to me, hes good to myfamily, hes good to my country. Hes a friend of mine. He got himself in a jam. I was proud that he called on me to help him, and Im glad that I was able totohelp in some small way (Carville 2/12/99). Carville was entirely dedicated to his cause of defending Clinton. In this interview, he asserted his loyalty and willingness to help the President. Carville emphasized how proud he was to be on the job(p) for his friend (Carville 2/12/99, Carville 1/6/99).

Joseph Stalin: Did his Rule Benefit Russian Society and the Russian People? :: Joseph Stalin Essays

Joseph Stalin Did his Rule Benefit Russian Society and the Russian spate?In this paper I plan to prove that even though Stalin made improvementsin the Russian industrial corpse, his rule did not benefit Russian society andthe Russian people. In order to accomplish this, several questions must be asked.How did Stalin affect Russias industrial role? How did Stalin try to changeRussias agricultural system? What changes did Stalin make in society? What wereStalins purges, and who did they effect?Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili was born on December 21, 1879, on thesouthern slopes of the Caucasus mountains, in the town of Gori. His mother,Ekaterina was the daughter of a peasant who unite at fifteen and who lost herfirst three children at birth. Vissarion, his father, was a self-employedshoemaker who had a violent temper (Marrin 6-7).Young Djugashvili was small and lean and had a deeply pitted face from asmall pox attack that nearly killed him. He also had blood poisoning in his lef t over(p)arm that was probably caused by Vissarions beating fists. The arm would stiffenat the elbow joint and wither, making it lame and useless for the rest of hislife (Lewis 8 Marrin 8).He was dedicated to only one person, his mother, and her only ambitionwas for her son to become a priest and to bless her with his own hands. But,this dream was crushed when Joseph was expelled from capital of Georgia Theological Seminaryfor reading forbidden books such as Marx and Lenin (Lewis 8 Marrin 20).After his expulsion from Tiflis school, Joseph became a variationary.He organized strikes and demonstrations at factories and also prove ways togather money for Lenin and the Bolshevik party. He was banished to Siberia sixtimes between the years 1903 and 1917. Each time, he escaped easily, except thelast, when he was released because of the February revolution (Lewis 19 Marrin24). After the death of his first wife, Ekaterina Svanidze, Joseph became morecold and tough. He gave the child that h is wife bore him to her parents and evenchose a new name for himself, Stalin, the gentlemans gentleman of Steel (Marrin 26).Then came the October Revolution and the rise of Lenin and theBolsheviks. Stalin became general secretary of the Bolshevik partys CentralCommittee. He was also the commissar of the Workers and Peasants Inspectorateand the commissar of nationalities (McKay 927 Treadgold 205). After Lenins,death Stalin gained power by allying himself with the moderates to fight off hisrival, Leon Trotsky, who was a radical and another member of the Central

Monday, May 27, 2019

President Bill Clinton :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays

Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946, in the small town of Hope, argon. He was named after his father, William Jefferson Blythe II, who had been killed in a car apoplexy just three months before his sons birth. Needing a way to support herself and her new child, Bill Clintons mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, to study breast feeding. Bill Clinton stayed with his mothers parents in Hope. There his grandparents, Eldrigde and Edith Cassidy, taught him unassailable values and beliefs such as "equality among all and discrimination to none". This was a lesson Bill never forgot. His mother returned from New Orleans with a nursing degree in 1950, when her son was four year old. Later that same year, she married an automobile salesman named Roger Clinton. When Bill was seven years old, the family moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas for it offered a better employment opportunities. Roger received a higher paying job as a se rvice manager for his brothers car dealer-ship and Virginia discovered a job as a nurse anesthetist. In 1956, Bill Clintons half-brother, Roger Clinton Jr., was born. When his brother was old enough to enter school, young Bill had his last name legitimately altered from Blythe to Clinton. Clintons life continued and during his High school years he was awestruck by two successful leaders, John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was elysian by them so much that thrived on fulfilling their dreams. He raised money and organized charity events, but most of all he learned how to throw with people and the concept of being a good citizen. In his spare time, he endulged himself in literature and played a saxophone. He loved music, and separately summer he would attend a band camp in the Ozark Mountains. His hard work paid off when he became top saxophone participant at his school and won first chair in state band. Bill Clinton recognized that although college would be expensi ve, it would give him the education he needed to make his goals. His hard work in school, combined with his music ability, earned him many academic and music scholarships. With the aid of those scholarships and loans from the government, he was able to attend Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He chose George town because it had an excellent foreign service program and it was located in the nations capital.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Mary Wollstonecraft Essay

Mary Wollstonecraft was a writer of the Enlighten custodyt and her work, A defense lawyers of the Rights of Women, is a perfect example of a piece of literature of the time. She took a topic, womens rights, and applied to it the reason and logical thinking that was so grievous during the Enlightenment. precise important in Wollstonecrafts work is the gritty realness and harsh reality of the writing itself. While Romanticism loved to use sweet phases and sensibly words, Wollstonecraft spoke plainly. She used hard hitting ideals, such as women were rendered weak and wretched by following the manners men required of them.The reason she was so brutal was she wanted to incite reform. Enlightenment writers presented their sane ideals, well thought out and explained, in an effort to persuade others to agree. Wollstonecraft relied on more than just her rational argument, moreover on the strength of her words. She believed, From the tyranny of men the greater number of female follies pr oceed, and she had made it her mission to change that. Another very important goal of the Enlightenment writers was to promote change. They wanted to strip away all the prettiness and write about the truth.They intend their works not as entertainment, but as ideals which not only made people think, but encouraged them to take these ideals and change society. It was the same with Wollstonecraft, and she was working against major barriers to create her change. First of all, men would not agree with her radical ideals and men controlled the society, especially the intellectual society. Also, many women believed their lot in life was fine and they didnt agree with Wollstonecraft insulting it so much. However, Wollstonecraft had a goal, I wish to persuade women to endeavor to acquire strength. She desired not only strength, but the same right as men to be rational, and for it she is considered the mother of modern feminism. The Autumn, has nothing of the fierceness and determination of A Vindication of the Rights of Women. While Vindication is a battle call, The Autumn is a lulling of the senses and a metrical composition that encourages people to think of happiness and not the facts of life. Imagery is all important in The Autumn and the images in the poem work to summon up thoughts Keats wants to bond to the season, fertility and beauty.Fertility is a continuing theme in the poem, brought out by such phrases as fill as fruit with ripeness to the core, and plump hazel tree shells with a sweet kernel. After all, autumn is the season of harvest and Keats uses the images of the coming harvest to invoke in the reader a sense of the notoriety of the time. Another theme very present in the poem is the theme of the beauty of the season. Keats uses various phrases which uses not only the sight but the hearing to incur the glory of autumn.For sight, Keats uses such phrases as and touch the stubble, plains with rosy hue, and while barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day , to create with words a vision so strong the reader sees it in the minds eye. As for hearing, Keats writes of the sounds of the season to take the reader back to that time of year. The red-breast whistles from a garden croft and full vainglorious lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn calls to the reader in images that go from just words to almost hearing the birds and lambs as they call.In this way, imagery doesnt just prompt seeing autumn, but hearing it as well. Keats also gives us a depiction of a woman. But, while Wollstonecraft paints the picture of a farcical creature that is ridiculous and bound, Keats gives her an almost unearthly beauty. She is spirit-like, with hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind and soft and yielding, drowd with the fume of poppies. This isnt a woman officious to fight for equality, but rather a gentle creature that enjoys in her soft world.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Agricultural Science Essay

The poultry house was properly sanitized in order to keep the chicks healthy and warm in all weather conditions. This was to a fault done to keep away diseases from the chicks. The poultry house was erected at an east west orientation. * Tools were collected (e.g. broom, empty bags, disinfectant, shovel) * Old group was shoveled up, bagged and removed to the compost heap. See figure 1. * Using the broom, the mesh and ceiling were cob-webbed. See figure 2. * Materials that were caked onto the floor was scraped using the shovel, the floor was and so washed with disinfectant. The tarp was hoisten for sunlight to penetrate the area. * The area was left to dry for two (2) days.* The tools were cleaned and dried then returned to the storeroom.Preparation of the Brooding Area (21911)Brooding is the special trouble given to the chicks. Brooding is important as it keeps the chicks warm and safe when they are small. * A confined area was constructed for baby chicks.* Tools and materials we re collected e.g. sawdust, newspaper, light bulb, waterers, feeders * Sawdust was hardened on the floor and covered withnewspaper to prevent the baby chicks from swallowing the sawdust. See figure 3. * The tarpaulin was rolled down to prevent cold air and water from immersion the area. * An infra red bulb was placed in the broody area to give warmth to the chicks. * Feeders and waterers were washed and disinfected. Water was placed in the waterers. They were then placed in the brooding area. See figure 4. * The foot bath was washed and disinfectant (Jeyes) was then placed in the foot bath to remove bacteria from the feet. See figure 5.Arrival of chicks (26911)Upon the arrival of chicks, they were checked for abnormalities and were introduced to water before they were given feed.Daily ObservationsDaily observations are carried out from the arrival troth to slaughtering date. During this period a number of activities were carried out. * Feeding young birds are feed daily to enhanc e growth and health. * Washing of feeders and waterier.* Removal of old newspaper and replacing them with new ones. * Turning over the litter, with shovel and removing wet litter. * Removal of dead birds and tallying.* Adjust tarpaulin.* Adjust automatic feeder and waterer.Expansion Of Brooders(131011)The chicks were removed from the brooding area to a larger section of the poultry house where they will stay until they are ready for slaughtering.Mortality Rate75 chicks were bought and a fall of 3 died. The mortality rate rate was worked out to be 4% (375*100) .Preparation for slaughteringA day before slaughtering feeding was withdrawn from the chickens so as to issue wastage and also to prevent the presence of food in the crop when it is removed. However they were still allowed access to water.Slaughtering (161111)The head of the birds were positioned downwards so that the blood could feed in down easily. The heads were manage off using a sharp knife. The chickens were scalded and plucked. Scalding was done by immersing the chicks in a bucket with warm water for about 45-60 seconds. Scalding the chicks allowed the feathers to be removed easily plucking was done immediately after the scalding process. The chickens were then e entrailsted (process of removing everything inside the body and also the head and feet). This process involves * removing by making a cut behind the neck.* separating the esophagus, trachea and crop from the neck skin. * opening the body cavity by making a cut near the vent, extending the cut around the vent. * removing the viscera (including the lungs) through the opening. * washing the chickens thoroughly when all the contents of the cavity were removed * separating the heart, liver and gizzard the heart was trimmed to remove any thing that may be attached to it. * trimming the gall bladder, carefully, away from the liver. * splitting the gizzard lengthwise and washing the contents away the lining was peeled away to sterilise it e dible. During the eviscerating process the chickens were put on a sanitized table. After evisceration the carcass was cooled by using ice water. They were then bagged and marketed.Dressing & Marketing of Birds (161111) Birds were defea on that pointd and the contents were removed, the offals and the carcasses were placed in clean water and put to chill in ice water. After thirty minutes they were then drained and packaged. They were then placed in a refrigerator for storage.Cleaning up the area (161111)The feathers were remove to a corner of the farm to be dried and burnt, the intestine was boiled, some was given to the dogs while the rest was disposed of, the slaughtering area was sanitized with disinfectant and washed andleft to be dried for further use and also to keep away flies and other insects.Projected IncomeOutput * IncomeOutput = 375 lbsPrice = $130.00Projected income = 375 lbs * $130.00$48,750Projected ExpenditureSpade $1,200.00 Booster $420.00 Broom $150.00 water $1,00 0.00 Waterer (2 * $950) $1,900.00 Feeder (2 * $950) $1,900.00 Dust Mask (1 pack) $600.00 fluff Chicks (75 * $63) $4,725.00 Plasson (2 * $3500) $7,000.00 Sawdust (5 * $200) $1,000.00 Tarpaulin (2 * $250) $500.00 Feed (12 * $1300) $15,600.00 Disinfectant Jeyes $900.00 Labour $3,000.00 Total $39,475.00 surplusage Projected income projected expenditureSurplus = $48,750.00 $39,475= $9,275.00Actual Income and ExpenditureActual IncomeOutput * PriceOutput = 225 lbsPrice = $130.00Actual Income = $29, 250.00Actual ExpenditureBooster (1 * $420) = $420.00Dust Mask (1 * 450) = $450.00Feed (12 * 1,300) =15,600.00Baby Chicks (75 * $63) = $725.00Labour =$3,000.00Total = $24,195Surplus Actual Income Actual Expenditure= $29,250.00 $24,195.00= $5,055.00COST ANALYSISSeventy five (75) chicks were bought, 72 were slaughtered due to a 4% mortality rate. It was estimated that all the seventy five (75) chicks bought would be slaughtered. The average weight per chick was 5lbs the actual weight was 3.12 5lbs. This resulted in a change in the income, causing a decrease in profit. The actual income was $5,055.00 for chicken meat while the projected income was $9,275.00. The projected expenditure surpassed the actual by $15,280. This was due to fact that we did not secure the spade, broom, hose, waterers, feeders, plasson, sawdust, tarpaulin and the disinfectant (Jeyes) as they were provided by the school. The projected income and expenditure was more than the actual, however, we still made a profit and not a loss.General commentsBroiler doing has become a popular farming activity in the West Indies (W.I.). In Jamaica poultry provide a source of income in a niggling period of time more than other farm works. To enter the world of poultry you do not need a larger start-up capital so you will find more and more people involve in the poultry business. Another factor is that in less than two month there is a turnover on the capital with proper management and a larger area of production . Since the required space per bird is 6 square in (15 cm2). It was a success due to the fact that we made a profit and not a loss, however, we could make more profit if we(students) had paid more maintenance to the chicks.Recommendations* Increase the size of the poultry house and brooding area, in order to increase poultry production. * More attention could be paid to the chicks by students. * appropriate a farm man to work on weekends and holidays.ConclusionAfter carrying the actual project it is concluded that the rearing of broiler bird takes a minimum of 6 weeks. With proper management boiler production also provide a good profit, it is also observed that boiler has a high dressing role and a good converter of feed using an average of two to three pounds of feed to provide one pound of meat.

Friday, May 24, 2019

God and Godlike Humans in the Bible and Iliad

The Position of deitys and matinee idol The characterization of individuals through specific and repeated character descriptions atomic number 18 coherent with social norms and create binding determine associated each character. In the Iliad, which can be considered the primary religious text of antiquity, godly epithets are used to accompany characters with dominant abilities. The Bible in addition features consistent reverent descriptions throughout the various writings.By regularly featuring characters with godlike descriptions, Homers oral communication defines the hu mankindity and position of the Greek gods, creating a sharp distinction from the descriptive writing in the Bible that defines the unreachable position of the mo nonheistic God. Although the gods of the Iliad and the God of multiplication are similar in their interaction with mortals, the usage and nature of manufacturing business language in character descriptions, along with the ability for a mortal to att ain godlike perspective, are remarkably different.Throughout the Iliad, Homer pays respect to soldiers by mentioning their seduce with various adjacent positive qualities. In the first book of the Iliad, godlike Polyphemous is introduced among a list of noteworthy soldiers (Iliad 1264). Although Polyphemous is an unfamiliar character that is not primaeval to the action, Homer wholly compares him to a god. The pairing of this godly term with such an insignificant character re feeds how bode placement is obtainable for mortals, especially because Homer does not provide an explanation as to how Polyphemous achieved this status.Within this same listing of soldiers, Theseus is also mentioned as being in the likeness of the immortals (Iliad 1265). While this phrase exemplifies noteworthy status in the gods perspective, it is distinctively different than being compared to the gods. Homer, therefore, employs specific language to carefully present a difference in how characters can eith er be in the likeness of the gods or completely similar to them. Homer frequents divine descriptions when mentioning soldiers, noting how numerous men have ascended into a role similar to a god only when by heroic accomplishments or physical attributes.For congresswoman, Homer describes Idomeneus like a god standing and Akamas, beauteous as god (Iliad 2230, 1160). This divine language not only portrays the importance of both soldiers and physical prowess in society, but also represents how mortals can bridge the gap between the divine and the earthly by possessing superior ability or physical features. In book 5 of the Iliad as Diomedes is preparing for battle, Homer provides an anecdote of Eurypylos, who was honored about the countryside as a god is due to his victory in battle (Iliad, 578).By mentioning this story and specific language before a battle scene, Homer demonstrates to the endorser that Diomedes, or any character, can achieve godlike standing by winning a significant battle. Warfare, which is an integral aspect of society in the Iliad, also plays an important role in the Old Testament. In the book of Genesis, the writers mention Nimrod as the first on earth to become a mighty man (Genesis 108).Similar to the large amount of soldiers mentioned in the Iliad, Nimrod achieves recognition for his violent dexteritys and physicality. However, Nimrod is purposely introduced as a hunter before the lord (Genesis 1010). Rather than analyse Nimrod to God because of his achievement, the writers of Genesis portray his skill as being devoted to the lord. Although Homer would have confidently considered Nimrod godlike, this language displays how the writers of Genesis believed that superiority in skill does not create a godlike mortal.Rather, excellent ability is practiced in honor of the lord and fulfilled in accordance with Gods desires. Odysseus, the skilled speaker and warrior, is consistently featured in the Iliad with godlike qualities. For example, h e is titled godlike while motivating the Greek soldiers before battle (Iliad 2335). This specific account not only displays how possessing a superior talent is considered a godlike quality, but also how reputation and fame grant worthy equivalence to the gods.Odysseus became well known during the Trojan War because of his profound ability to speak, giving him the opportunity to encourage thousands of soldiers who cried out and offered applause in honor and respect (Iliad 2335). Homers language in this scene displays that famous and recognizable mortals are comparable to the gods, who are the most identifiable characters in antiquity. Because citizens of Greece admire Odysseus skill and knew his name just as if it were a gods, Homer considers him to be godlike. bullyrag, another distinguished soldier known throughout Greece, is the most notable example of immortal characterization. Presented as equal of Zeus in counsel, Homer portrays Hector as being wholly comparable to Zeus, the m ost significant of the gods (Iliad 747). This language blatantly proclaims that Hector, one of the most idolized mortals, is equally advisable as Zeus, the most idolized god. Because Helen is the speaker, the reader gains an understanding into the analogous value of both Hector and Zeus from a mortals perspective.Abraham, one of the most prominent mortals in the book of Genesis, is the patriarch of the Israelites, serving as the liaison between God and his people. Abraham achieved his fame and status through defeating challenges and personal displays of righteousness, but the writers of Genesis do not consider him to be godlike. Rather, Abraham is considered blessed by God most high (Genesis 1419). The highest achievement for mortals in Genesis is not to be considered godlike, but only to be fortunate under the direction of Gods desires.This language proves that God not only provides success and preeminence, but also deserves honor from those he has provided for. Although similar to Odysseus and Hector in status, Abrahams significance does not make him godlike. The writers of Genesis viewed his prestige and position as a gift from the unreachable God. Although mortals never deliberately strive to mimic the gods in the Iliad, Homer employs divine language to present how superiority in skill, physicality, and fame give mortals godly status.In the Old Testament, mortals such as Abraham, who live according to Gods commands and therefore impersonate his heavenly characteristics, are never able to elevate to godlike status. Although both the Olympian gods and God present humanlike qualities and interact with mortal characters, the position of Gods status mud unreachable. The usage and nature of divine language in character descriptions may help explain why the Iliad is now historically considered mythology and the Bible stills remains a religious text.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Improving Management Essay

It has been established that lodge Q is a small grocery reach that has recently decided to close devil of their stores in heavily populated aras due to profit loss and lofty crime statistics. The necessity to close two stores is a significant economic failure for both the biotic residential area and the stake holders involved in the franchise. high society Q has demonstrated that improvements need to be made to secure their reputation within the community and gain the confidence it needs to succeed among the share holders of the confederacy. Since Company Q has closed these two stores, the loss of employment by members of the community has been recognized along with the need for citizens to travel further outside of the community for groceries.This takes tax revenue away from the city and has also resulted in two trifling buildings. In a community already plagued with crime, this adds to the potential of excess crime. In order to salvage Company Qs reputation with the comm unity and remodel religious belief with the shareholders, significant changes will need to be made. Based on the closure of two stores, the social responsibility that Company Q exudes is very poor and concerted bowel movement will need to be displayed in order to prove they are a socially responsible company.Part BFor several years, customers of Company Q pass on requested that Company Q offer a more health conscience and organic variety of foods. Due to the recent closure of two stores, it is noted that thither are now funds available to provide this request at the remaining open franchises. Company Q recognizes that in order to regain the customers trust, they need to be accommodating to the desires and needs of their customers. The first recommendation is to continue to provide the healthier, organic food varieties existence requested. This action recognizes the customers desires and validates that Company Q is listening and demands to be accommodating.Money that is no long er being utilized to manage the two stores that are closed can now be allocated to the high margin items at the stores that remain open.Company Q has been asked by the topical anaesthetic food bank to donate day-old proceedss instead of throwing it away. Company Q has denied this request citing worries about guile and possibilities of employees stealing and stating that they were actually donating it. Our first recommendation is to rescind this policy and realize with your local anesthetic food bank to be able to obtain this otherwise excess food. The reputation with the community is already fragile after the closure of two nearby stores. In order to build trust with the community and the shareholders of Company Q, obviously providing the requested healthier, organic food will not be enough. Extra effort being demonstrated by Company Q will need to be recognized.The next recommendation would be to create an Action Committee within each of Company Qs open stores. This Action Co mmittee will work together to create a system thatmonitors the amount of high margin items being purchased from the distributor and then being sold to the customer. The products that can be donated to the local food bank will be recorded. These records will be maintained by the Action Committee and preferably a member of the managerial staff. The donated product can be considered a tax write off at year end. Since there is a committee monitoring what is coming in and what is being donated out, it will help minimize the potential of fraud or possible theft by employees.This Action Committee can then determine which products are being sold on a consistent basis and which products are being donated. The purchasing of high margin items from the distributors can be adjusted so that more popular items are being sold and fewer items are being donated. This action will demonstrate to the community that Company Q cares about the citizens and they want to be an active part of the community. I t also can instill trust with Company Qs employees that they are not the reason the business wasnt donating to the local food bank, and that they believe their employees are trusting and have integrity.A final recommendation would be for Company Q to establish their own volunteer program consisting of members of management. If additional employees of Company Q desire to be part of the volunteer committee, it is completely on a volunteer basis. This volunteer team will periodically represent Company Q at local events. They can volunteer time at the food bank, local homeless shelters, charitable events and so forth. The team can organize events to create over graffiti in the part of town where they previously closed two of their stores. The presence of Company Q in the community can help restore trust that was lost when two stores were closed and the community suffered. The stockholders in Company Q will also see a significant change in the communitys perspective of their company.Bas ed on these three recommendations, we believe that Company Q will exemplify the social responsibility expected by a company this size and that has such a presence in this populated community. Upon request, additional recommendations can be made to ensure Company Q sustains and improves upon its reputation with the public.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Health and social care unit 7 Essay

Behaviourist approach, people believe that behaviour has been learned when we are younger and effects us by and by on in life e.g. if a child is too strictly potty trained then may effect them later on in life, and could have OCD Freud believed this. Classical conditioning is a theory discovered by Pavlov a Russian physiologist he worked on drop behinds and the digestive system before this take in people believed that saliva was produced when food in in the mouth but then Pavlov found out it happened when the dog saw the food, possibly smelling the food. Pavlov apply classical conditioning, his experiment was used with a dog.When the bell rings the dog doesnt do anything until after a while Pavlov gives the dog a trade every time the bell is rung so every time the bell rings now the dog will start salivating. This is how systematic desensitization works, people associate a fear or a phobic disorder by something they may of seen the say that an accident may have occurred causin g the phobia e.g. if a man had a car accident and the car that crashed in to him was blue, the man may have a fear of blue now because of this (the dog learning that food comes with the ring of the bell) psychologists can help this by slowly showing the man that blue isnt scary by talking well-nigh the colour, seeing the word written on paper then seeing the colour and being comfortable with it, this is then cured of the fear this is called the Hierarchy of fear.This response cant be learned so he called this unconditioned response. This theory is what psychologists use to look at phobias, it shows that there is always something too rig a behaviour off e.g. if something bad happened in your life and the most thing you remember is a poster on the wall or so far a song you listened to that night, you could develop a phobia of that poster or song. The best way to help this is to find the cause and ask the patient to key a list of their worst fear about that phobia.This is where ope rant conditioning comes in, this is used to help peoples frame of mind, they use reinforcement techniques and create more stamp down behaviour. Lets say that at your house whenever someone flushes the toilet the shower stall gets crazy hot. After a while, you learn to jump out of the shower flow whenever you hear the toilet flush. A guest at your house wont know that this happens, so she will jump out of the stream of water when it gets hot but not when the toilet flushes. http//instruction.blackhawk.edu 2039 18/12/12

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Leadership Assessment Essay

leaders can be best defined as beauty. One may say that is in the eye of the beholder. The best managers consistently allow different leaders to emerge and inspire their teammates. My prior organization, Comcast Corporation, a tele conferences provider, armorial bearing statement is to deliver a superior experience to their customers every day. Jason Biske, whom is Director of Sales and Operation, created an environment where Comcast is focused solely on customers by building relationships. When we would call for him, he would always speak and ask how your day or sales was going. Jason was really big on keeping the sales floor informed of raw(a) promos or contests that were going on by sending constant email communications, ongoing training sessions, or holding focus groups on various processes of good in the sales process. When it came to leadership styles, Jason Biske demonstrated several. He embraced democratic, coaching, pacesetting, and authoritative.He initiated structure a nd created an environment that made you feel a part of some amour. Along with that he showed consideration. We matte like our opinions mattered and there was a concern for the employees. Leaders provide a sense of direction for the employees of the organization. Without this sense of direction (both strategic and ethical), the organization and its employees could easily tolerate their direction.In order for any leader to be successful all styles need to be incorporated. Leaders, therefore, be given the responsibility of creating and shaping culture. The organizational structure that has been created has positioned the connection in the smartest way possible. As the world changes, the culture of organizations must sometimes be re-shaped to better fit the environment and the overall strategy of the organization (Buhler).Comcast strongly believes in teamwork, integrity, creativeness and commitment within the organization.Managers must be convinced of the benefits as well as high er performance for their teams if they are to become earnest leaders of change. Above all, senior executives should encourage managers to think big the new world of work opens up new possibilities for how companies define their boundaries and organize work (Lund, 2012).Having such(prenominal) a strong team of leadership gives employees as well as potential talent something to look forward to in regards to a flight. The positive thing about having a clear organizational structure is simply it allows you to see the formal relationship that exits between the departments. Jason Biskes job as director was to better the sales process and increase revenue in the sales department. As a result he increased revenue by 24 percent. He also rolled out a process called Sales Pro which would make the sales process simpler by focusing on relationships. Even though his styles motivated employees, he used communication through mass emails mostly. On a daily basis, you would receive several reports on how the company is profiting. At my career level no one understood how we were contributing to these successes. Jason would get you excited to make money but somewhere in there the leadership failed. tally to Moorhead and Griffin (1998) employee motivation and ability jointly contribute towards employee performance and the most challenging task of the managers is to motivate employee to execute the utmost of their ability. (Iqbal). When you have nitty-gritty managers that are not as excited about their jobs, it is hard to keep the customer service reps motivated to sale the product or meet poem when the objectives are not clear. In an organization, an individual has to be seen as a contributor. Most importantly, you have to keep your employees motivated. Most people never make it to the conduct because they are successful at being a doer instead of being a leader. Leadership is more about inspiration, about guidance, about communication and building trust among the team. Manag ement is probably the day-to-day running of an organization. It is about developing and organizing aspects of your businesses and running those businesses (Toor, 2011). Some best practices that organizational leaders can adopt are 1. Accept feedback from the people that work with you.No one knows best another(prenominal) than the people that deal with the customers every day. Some of the most successful companies are profitable because the organizational leader listened to what the employees shared. There is value in shared values. Secondly, try a crazy idea every now and then. Employees like creativity and a challenge to keep them on their toes. Lastly, show courage. Effective leaders sometimes have to issue orders whether or not it means they are touristy or not. If you are leading effectively then your team will support you. Leaders are made, not born. I consider leadership as something long term with a clear vision of what to achieve. Management, however, is more about functi on its short-term and involves setting a target and achieving it.Diversity is not only important to the work environment and the business but it can also have some legal ramifications if not followed properly. Workplace Diversity refers to the pastiche of differences between people in an organization. The roots of variety does not begin to range from race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, educational background etc., rather it begins from perception of the employees towards each other (Andrew Patrick, 2011). Ccompanies that embrace employees from different cultural backgrounds, experiences and even countries are better positioned to succeed in this century. Hiring a diverse workforce helps a company stay in compliance with employment laws and build workplaces that are more inclusive. It also assists employees in reaching their fullest potential.When hiring and managing employees from different cultures and backgrounds it can be challenging, but it can also be very rewarding . Diversity is not a photo opportunity. Anybody can recruit anybody. Keeping people is the challenge (Sreedhar, 2011). Most corporations have diversity council which allows you to manage diversity globally therefore allowing others to learn from different perspectives and cultures. From a business perspective, companies have become more innovative requiring expansion into global territories. It requires them to move people as well as products around. With that being said, a company must be able to understand international customers, their commerce and their competition better than before.Works CitedAndrew Patrick, H. (2011). knowledge Workers Demography and Workplace Diversity. Journal Of Marketing & Management, pp. 2(2), 38-73. Buhler, P. M. (n.d.). The evolving leader of today. Supervision. pp. 59(12), 16. . Iqbal, J. Y. (n.d.). EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN MODERN ORGANIZATION A REVIEW OF 12 YEARS. Interdisciplinary Journal Of contemporary Research In Business,. pp. 4(3), 692-708. Lund , S. M. (2012). Preparing for a new era of knowledge work. pp. Mckinsey Quarterly, (4), 103-110. Sreedhar, U. (2011). Workforce Diversity and HR Challenges. Advances In Management. pp. 4(10), 33-36. Toor,S. (2011). Differentiating Leadership from Management. An Empirical Investigation of Leaders and Managers. Leadership & Management In Engineering, pp. 11(4), 310. doi10.1061/(ASCE)LM.1943-5630.0000138.

Monday, May 20, 2019

 Star Goup Essay

InvestigationThe modern time is about change in variables animated in the environment that surrounds any organization. The corporate therefore has to plan the uncertainty in a confine time span focusing on fostering and development of staff ( Delahaya,2011,p.2). The most critical component part for success of the organizations rest on how competent and knowledgeable their staffs are. uniformwise the investment has to made on the human beings resource so that they are efficient and effective enough to reach the company goals.HRDNI is a butt against that identifies the flaws in the incident that is happening in any organization. The main motive of HRDNI is to generate out what is the shift that is preventing the organization to reach the target. Therefore HRDNI helps to identify the deviation between what is currently happening and what should be occurring. sorcerer Group, a company which has a function of staffs to reach the goal of the organization has a global onboarding functioninges and the materials. It onboards saucily employees to the organization in order to make the entrants get familiar with the organizations culture. As HRDNI focuses on gap analysis to reach the standards of the organization, the modern concept believes that HRDNI should be future oriented and positive sort of than being reactive and negative.Star group therefore introduces Johnson & Associates to analyze the on boarding adjoin to find out if the on boarding process is actually being effective to the new employees to get the overview of the organization. Like any growing company, Star group has faced many challenges in creating standard global processes and controls. Onboarding materials crosswise the group reflect this, with the sites developing their own documents over a number of years. Consequently these artifacts vary slap-uply in style, branding, content, formatting and quality. Analysis of the process-related information and interviews with key stakeholders highl ighted a number of pain points parklandly experience with the existing onboarding process. The step of data gathering was further elaborated through a qualitative improvementi.e. developing a questionnaire and distributing it to the participants of the induction program because the survey questionnaires rump gather hard data that can be analyzed objectively from large groups of people, (Sofo,2012,p.110). Finally the other data gathering process that was actually implemented was through the formation of the original group. The pilot group thus was interviewed with a number of questions to decide if the onboarding process was actually effective to new starters. Some of the pain points were summarized in six common themes1. overlook of document processes and proceduresEach stake holder describe a worrying lack of documented processes and procedures, not just in onboarding but other Human resources and Shared Business Services functions. fussy concern was raised about visibility to geographically dispersed processes.2. Quality and consistency of onboarding informationThe pilot group along with the stakeholders reported that onboarding materials had some flaws in it. Inconsistent content escape of Standardization elongated induction presentationsTime and accuracy challenges in manually copying employee details provided during the enlisting to other systems such(prenominal) as SAP and Active Directory Challenges in delivering the LOG ON information to non- PC or kiosks users.3. Lack of animal trainer accountabilityManagers believe that they do not include the responsibility for onboarding Managers do not elate training in successful onboarding practices, processes or strategies Onboarding commonly viewed as an HR functionOnboarding commonly viewed as a series of administrative task rather than an opportunity to provide new starters with a great first impression No evaluation of the success of the onboarding experience for the newemployees. The review also suggested that the manager had to call the new starter to congratulate them which was rarely done by the managers.4. Delay in embodiment of commencement dateThe commencement date for a new starter is not negotiated in the recruitment process which led to the delay of other downstream processes such as SAP and network mint up.5. Lack of SAP training resourcesIT and systems training is not provided in any formal way out-of-pocket to resource and time constraints. One SAP trainer divides time between locations which results in inadequate training among new starters and existing employees.6. Lack of WorkflowNo process exists to drive or track issue of onboarding tasks. Sites rely heavily on the use of checklists, follow-up emails and phone calls from the human resources. Specific pain points reported by the stakeholders includedAllowance of sufficient lead-time for pre-commencement activities such as visa and work permit applications Lack of mechanisms to ensure mid-year new starter s were fully engaged in different program sessions. No controls or process to trigger onboarding processes for contractors, particularly non-payroll and short-term consultants such as PTA Timing of prerequisite compliance checks such as medical clearances.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Ethical Lens Inventory

When it comes to conducting myself as an good and trustworthy student, based on my experiences, my self-knowledge and my readings for this class, I go away study the positives of unalike ethical lenses, I forget find balance in when to look at a group of people as a on the whole or individually, and I leave ensure that I hold myself account up to(p) for those depending on me. I leave alone study the positives of different ethical lenses so that I give the axe be the best that I can be. Different patchs squall for different ethical views.If I can expand my knowledge of dissimilar ethical lenses then I will be better equipped to handle a wider human body of situations. I stick out much of a value on sensibility, when there are times when cerebration rationally is for the best. When I am able to find the balance between when to view a situation as a whole or by the individual, I will increase my effectiveness in dealing with a large number of people. I tend to focus on the individual or else of the group. I have to conk out taking a step back at looking at the bigger picture when necessary.When centre solely on each person alone I genuinely easily can endure sight of the bigger picture. Sometimes to reach a goal everyone has to be held to the same level of debt instrument instead of different goals for each singular person. When I am able to exercise my free will I lean towards walking away when my involve are met. I have to hold myself responsible for making sure all requirements are achieved. I cannot leave my associates or fellow students to struggle to have everything completed.I am not only responsible for my part, but excessively gartering everyone else to complete their dispense of the work. In conclusion, I will determine how the different ethical lenses can help me, I will find balance in looking at the immediate needs and the big picture, and I will understand certain that I hold myself answerable to those depending on me. ex clusively of these changes can and will help me to become a more ethically responsible person which would make me a better, more well-rounded, employee, student, and individual.Ethical Lens InventoryWhen it comes to conducting myself as an ethical and responsible student, based on my experiences, my self-knowledge and my readings for this class, I will study the positives of different ethical lenses, I will find balance in when to look at a group of people as a whole or individually, and I will ensure that I hold myself accountable for those depending on me. I will study the positives of different ethical lenses so that I can be the best that I can be. Different situations call for different ethical views.If I can expand my knowledge of dissimilar ethical lenses then I will be better equipped to handle a wider variety of situations. I have more of a value on sensibility, when there are times when thinking rationally is for the best. When I am able to find the balance between when to view a situation as a whole or by the individual, I will increase my effectiveness in dealing with a larger number of people. I tend to focus on the individual instead of the group. I have to start taking a step back at looking at the bigger picture when necessary.When focusing solely on each person alone I very easily can lose sight of the bigger picture. Sometimes to reach a goal everyone has to be held to the same level of responsibility instead of different goals for each singular person. When I am able to exercise my free will I lean towards walking away when my needs are met. I have to hold myself responsible for making sure all requirements are achieved. I cannot leave my associates or fellow students to struggle to have everything completed.I am not only responsible for my part, but also helping everyone else to complete their share of the work. In conclusion, I will determine how the different ethical lenses can help me, I will find balance in looking at the immediate need s and the big picture, and I will make certain that I hold myself answerable to those depending on me. All of these changes can and will help me to become a more ethically responsible person which would make me a better, more well-rounded, employee, student, and individual.

Possible Solutions to Self-Harm

Enter title here A bear-sized number of people in western society have rig self-mutilation as a factor to lean from the problems haunting their everyday life. The act of cutting oneself has been proven to release chemical compounds into the body to momentarily clear the mind of such problems. These compounds, known as endorphins, relieve the body of any(prenominal) tension and stress that is undergone in the individuals life.Harming ones self is a terrible problem that must(prenominal) be assessed and treated in an appropriate manner that will not barely stop the act inside the individual but also remove the ancestor of such combat injury in their life. The cause of such actions has been known to come in from a large multitude of private problems. Problems such as an unsuitable household, difficulties within a persons social background, or nonetheless the scope they see within themselves. Professor Keith Hawton oversaw a study put onn over the amount of adolescents who admitted to inflicting aggrieve upon themselves.His survey took place in forty-one schools involving 6,020 subjects aged fifteen to sixteen. The results were that 398 (6. 8%) participants reported an act of deal self harm in the past year (Hawton 2002). According to the results, more females admitted to this act than males. Of those females who were accountable to mensural self-harm, they confessed the causes being their friends, self harm by family members, drug misuse, depression, anxiety, impulsivity, and low self esteem (Hawton 2002).The factors found within the males were drug use, suicidal behavior found within their friends and family, and low self-esteem. Patricia and Peter Adler discuss the effects that undergone by the individual through the expectations of those around that person. In their writing, The Glorified self the Adlers present how a society creates an image of those within it and the pressure placed upon those people create an inner conflict between their de sire for recognition, flattery, and grandness and the inclination to keep feeding this self-affirming element (Adler 195).As society continues to surround the individual, the pressure increases as the person begins to take on a role which they may not feel is best suited for them, yet must be upheld in order to feel better accepted within their society. Such expectations are found in those closest to that person parents, siblings, friends or anyone who could affect that persons life. These expectations jakes create a dilemma within the individual, whether they wish to be who they want or who they are required to be.Through the burden of deciding on they wish to become, the troubled person begins to turn away from the sources of their problems and look for a quick escape. That escape varies among the individual experiencing such complications in their life, anything from substance abuse to physically abusing their own body. The human body finds any(prenominal) means necessary in or der to cope with the difficulties presented in their life. This coping mechanism is the brains way of releasing the stress that builds up over time from dealing with whatever obstacles that are place out before the person.In order to stop such actions taking place, the source of the problem(s) must then be removed, or tuned down enough to no longer give the desire for the person to find a momentary escape. Removing all sources of responsibilities in a persons life is nearly impossible. Instead of removing the source of the problem, a more possible solution is to show the people undergoing such problems that they arent alone in their responsibilities. Giving out a hand to those in need will show them that they dont need to hold their problems to themselves.Encourage a troubled individual to express their fears, problems, and concerns in hopes that in doing so, that person may then be able to realize that as tough as things may be, they are never alone. Another way to relieve stress in a positive manner is meditation. True this seems desire it wont do much, but that small amount of peace in your day can help you deal with or even release stress (Alvarez 2012). There are countless ways to combat the problems in an individuals life, remedies that expand anywhere from eating healthy to taking a few minutes in their day to meditate or exercise.Sources Cited Adler, Patricia A. , and Peter Adler. The Glorified Self. Social Theory. Ed. Roberta Garner. second ed. S. l. Univ Of Toronto, 2009. 195-207. Print. Alvarez, Manny. 10 Ways to Relieve Stress Naturally. Newsgroup. Fox News. Fox News, 9 Aug. 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2013. Hawton, Keith. Deliberate Self Harm in Adolescents Self Report Survey in Schools in England. Ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/. National Center for biotechnology Information, 23 Nov. 2002. Web. 31 Mar. 2013.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

My Perfect Job

My idea of the perfect job is one that will allow me to drop the skills and k in a flashledge I arrest gained, while also allowing some flexibility in my time, and keeping my interest. Having diddle that is financially rewarding goes with aside saying. I love workings with computers, setting them up, fixing problems, doing upgrades, and teaching people to delectation them. I spend much of my free time doing this sort of work for friends and family. I have exhausted more Saturdays than I can count answering a plea for help. Computers are such a part of everyday feeling now, that people become panicked when things are non running smoothly.It would be very rewarding to be able to support myself doing the things that I enjoy most. My days now are spent talking to customers and doing my best to make a difference, however, so some of the situations are out of my control that it is a constant frustration. I suppose I have the same dream that many others do. I want to do somethin g that I love, be productive, and make a decent dungeon for my family. I do believe such a possibility exists. By owning my own business I would have the flexibility to set my hours and be able to attend many of the family and school functions that my menstruum work does not allow for.I believe that people should work to live, not live to work. Having the time to enjoy life would make the time spent making a living less of a chore. Children grow up so quickly, I have watched my girls grow quickly from toddlers to adults, while I simply passed through their lives on my way to and from work. These are benefits rather than aspects of the perfect job however, that is the beauty of it. There is no exact description, tho rather a freedom to explore what directions I can take when I have the choice. composition I am short on education, a fact that I am now working to remedy, I am rich with life experience and knowledge gained from working in a human body of fields since I was old enoug h to first hold down a job. What I could twirl to clients would be personalized service with a caring that cant be found in corporate America. My current job requires that I travel two and a half hours per day total. Having the king to travel only as needed, and to work nearer to my home and family, or even from my home, would both get along down stress, and make better use of my time.I have experienced a range of stressing situations. organism able to change these situations and have the control of the environment I spend my time in is charge more than a salary. Money is a consideration in any job, but well macrocosm is the more important consideration. Try and imagine the difference a day starting with an hour commute, followed by a 9 hour day, then an additional hour to arrive home. I am so exhausted that there is barely the remaining energy to say hello to the family.In contrast, imagine a day starting from home, beginning the day at a slower pace, and making calls or doing paperwork in quiet and comfortable surroundings, before taking on the challenges of the day. Then returning home in the eventide and have some energy left for the good parts of life. Operating my own computer link up business would provide a good solution to many of the problems I face in my current career. As a business owner there are a world of choices available to me that are not available to me now, being the average drone. Going home at the end of the day and living a normal life is the ultimate of rewards.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Economic of Industry

Despite the different degree of competitions and the level of development in the market across the various types of industries, most regulars argon continuously and consistently looking for ways and opportunities to intensify their ability to grow or even to just maintain sustainability and survival in the industry. Firms carry egress diversification such as developing new lines and products, joint ventures and acquiring securelys in unrelated lines of vexation, to mitigate on their corporate efficiency and benefits of the sh areholder.For example, if a firms business focuses on seasonal products such as selling heating equipment, sales will do well during the autumn and winter months. However, to check up on the firms survival and maintain its business during the summer, it will need to carry start diversification such as establishing new product lines (i. e. Air conditioners). Therefore, firms modify to achieve economies of scales and scope, to economize on achievement greets, improving shareholders diversification by reducing risks, as well as identifying undervalued firms.This make-up will look at the different returns and drawbacks of diversification as well as their economic validity. variegation for Economies of Scales and Scopes It has been said that when a firm is adequate to achieve economies of scale, the production levels becomes to a greater extent efficient as the crook of goods organism produced increases. With the increase in production levels, firms will then able to demean their median(a) appeal per unit as the fixed constitute are able to spread pop come out over a large number of goods. For large firms, this will be a great advantage to them as it allows these firms to be able to gain access to a larger market.Furthermore with a lower average greet in production, they will be able to position their products at a more cheaply and affordable pricing in the market, giving firms a competitive advantage as well as it sit s greatly for the consumer. A good example of such company would be Wal-Mart WMT. Being a dominant pseud in the retailing industry as well as the sheer size of the company, Wal-Mart has great efficiencies at keeping costs low as the company has tremendous bargaining power with its suppliers. This allows Wal-Mart to be able to retail their products at a heaper bell as well as having inexpensive distributions. However, it has been said that diversifying for economies of scales has an wayward effect on the small to medium size firms as it raises cost instead. It is generally true if the judgment is viewed narrowly but small firms nowadays has managed to find ways to create opportunities to achieve economies of scales such as buying services, sharing risks and scaling through technology. Most small firms rather engaged services from a larger company as opposed to doing the job in-house to cut cost.Therefore any organizations servicing these smaller businesses (i. e. payroll service s) are view as an economies of scale from the perspective of the small firms. Economies of Scopes on the other heap has a similar concept as economies of scales but refers more to firms that are able to lower their average cost by developing and producing or providing two or more products in their businesses. This means that a given level of production cost of severally product line by a firm is much lower as compared to the given output level of a single product each produced by a combination of separate firms.An example of a company that uses economies of scope at its advantage would be Daiso. Daiso produced and retail hundreds of products from foods to house cleaning materials which allow them to offer standardization in their products pricings. With higher demands and production level as well as a lower average cost achieved through economies of scales, it definitely does help for firms to diversify so as to maximise their lucre margins. Economizing on effect costsTransactio n costs in political economy are unavoidable by firms and are usually incurred when making economic relationss such as buying or making products. Transaction cost complicates coordination as well as affecting the firms profit and loss. It reduces profit margin and a high transaction cost over time may result in firms having to face huge losses. For example, for a firm to produce a product it will need to carry out R&D and fuck off information from different kind of sources which cost money.Therefore to reduce or economize the transaction costs, firms diversify by carrying out merger and acquisition. For example, in order to expand its revenue stream, Dell Inc, an American multinational computer technology corporation has decided to extend its target market to the gaming industry by creating a new line of product of gaming PCs. However, it requires Dell to carry out R&D to obtain and search for relevant information on the product and the target market and all this accumulates as t ransaction costs. Therefore to avoid incurring high transaction cost, Dell Inc. ad decided to assume Alienware, a manufacturer of high-end gaming PCs in 2006. In conclusion, firm diversifying to economize transaction cost is practicable and valid in the economic market as it helps to reduce cost thus improving the profit margin for the firms. Internal Capital Markets Internal Capital Markets of modify firms allows firms to properly allocate its resources according to how its crush use. It creates efficiencies and increases firms control of funds which allows easier monitoring and lowers the monitoring costs as well as reducing chances of fraud.In addition, internal capital market allows firm to have informational advantage to make the essential changes and allocation to its resources when it is being used improperly. For example if the cost of issuing shares at a bargain price to the old shareholders outweigh projects net profit value, the firm may decide to allow NPV project w hich in return result in an under investing problem. However through internal capital market, diversified firms are able to allocate resources more efficiently and diminish the underinvestment problems.Internal capital market besides may cause firms more harm than good. As established by Stulz (1990), diversification may bugger off influence costs and result in cross-subsidisation where some diversified firms tend to underinvest in high-performing projects and overinvest in the lower ones. This may have adverse impact on firms return and profitability as a firm allocating too many resources on a segment that relatively had less investment opportunities is unconditionally leaving some of the better projects in other segments underinvested which may mold in more profits to the firm.Shareholders diversification Diversifying helps to reduce firms risk and smooth out its earnings stream. However, most shareholders do not benefit from this as they are able to diversify their portfolio at near zero cost through investing in many different options. However, there is a fraction of shareholders whom are ineffective to carry out diversification on their own. They are usually the owners of firms whom investments are largely based on their own business and are the leasing shareholder of the firm.Due to this, the shareholders are unable to carry out proper portfolio diversification and therefore rely and benefit greatly from the risk reductions carried out by firms. For example, a firm developing new lines of businesses internally reduce its risk of failing as it streams of revenue are being segregated and relied on different channels. If one was to fail, there will be other means of business for the firm to recoup its losses and streaming in revenue.With this, the firm shareholders risks are being indirectly reduced as well. Identifying undervalued Firm Undervalued firms assets and potential earning power are usually inadequately reflected in its stock price. This mean s these firms are actually worth more than what is being expected of them in the market. Therefore, other firms whom are able to recognize this mispricing diversify and acquire these undervalued firms and benefits from the acquisition by gaining the differences between the value and purchased price as surplus.For example, General Electronics has over the years been carrying out acquisition and diversifies its business which allows stability in its earnings. However, identifying undervalued firm is not easy and some firm acquisition can bring more harm the benefits to a company. Furthermore, public firms traded in reasonably efficient markets may have their military rating surplus quickly eliminated by the premiums paid on market prices.Therefore, it is more viable in the economics to carry out acquisitions in less efficient markets or acquire private businesses. Conclusion In conclusion, though diversification come with a cost for firms and may be difficult to be carried out in some cases, I do believe that it is valid in economics as it greatly benefit firms in reducing risk and widen its revenue stream which in returns increases profit margins. Therefore, firms should cover diversification as a viable option in expanding its business.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Theme of Escape in The Glass Menagerie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theme of Escape in The glaze Menagerie - Essay ExampleI traveled around a great deal I would have stopped, but I was pursued by something (VII, 237). That something turns fall start to be the images and sounds of the sister he leftfield behind. While Tom is now a member of the merchant marine and an accomplished traveler, living out the internal dreams of his youth in a way he had never thought possible, this outward fate of personal dream fulfillment is revealed as little more than an illusion of its own. In truth, Toms heart remains trapped within the small apartment he shared with his mother and sister.Amanda attempts to lie with vicariously through her daughter and the future she envisions for her but is constantly disappointed. She indicates girls in her time knew how to entertain their adult male callers. It wasnt enough for a girl to be possessed of a pretty face and a graceful figure although I wasnt slighted in either respect. She also needed to have a nimble wit an d a tongue to meet all occasions (I, 148). She continues to encourage Laura to hold out hopes for a good marriage. This starts with her own recitation of the quality of her suitors, My callers were gentlemen all Among my callers were some of the most prominent ahead of time planters of the Mississippi Delta planters and sons of planters (I, 148). Yet this future based on the past will never happen.Laura is the only credit permitted to live almost totally removed from the real world through her glass figures and old records. Lauras habit of escaping backwards into childhood can be traced as she first dropped out of high trail because she made bad grades on my final examinations (VII, 219) and then dropped out of business school I couldnt go back there. I threw up on the floor (II, 155). She escapes instead into a romanticized world of early childhood. Her options have become

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Coca-cola projact Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Coca-cola projact - Research piece of music ExampleFrank M. Robinson a bookkeeper and the partner to Dr. Pemberton was the one behind the name Coca-Cola and again he designed the trademarked, distinct script, which is still used today. During the earlier periods the beau monde interchange the beverages in glasses. However, in the late nineteenth century, two lawyers came in to obtain permission from Chandelier to sell the drink in bottles. This was the beginning of the bottled beverage, which is before long located in every part of the globe.After the lawyers were granted the permission to sell the beverage in bottles, the company put up competition for the design of the Coca-Cola bottle. The competition ended when an Indiana union win the tender to manufacture the bottles. The company manufactured a unique, decent looking bottle, which could be identified in the dark. The shape of the bottle is still retained by the company to date. The bottle was used as a step to distinguish the company from the other competitive companies by posting its unique attributes. Coca-Cola smart set was sold to Ernest woodruff for $25 in 1919. His son Robert later on succeeded him in 1923. Robert is entrusted with the honor to introduce the company to the World Olympic Games in 1928 and expanded its distribution of the beverage to many countries around the world (Coca-Cola Company Web). Another fact that boasted the company was during the 2nd World War, Coca-Cola offered a lower rate in cost of price to the uniformed soldiers. During this time of the war many people got the opportunity to taste the drink, and after the war, Coca-Cola was in a good position in comparison to the previous period before the war (Coca-Cola Company Web).The company also ventured into the manufacture of juices. It started by buying Minute Maid juice manufacturing company. Roberto Goizueta became the chairman and chief operating officer of the company in 1980s (Coca-Cola Company Web). He reigned du ring

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 33

English - Essay ExampleHowever we enjoyed the whole trip endlessly and I curiously ease up been longing to go can to this village ever since I have come back. It was a Thursday night that my breed planned with our family that we should go to a nearby village. Since we had never seen that village, it turned stunned to be an interesting experience all the same. My father told us to get matters ready and be on time come early morning the next day. My mother prepared food while I and my siblings arranged the necessary utensils that we would need for the trip. Since we were supposed to be away for 3 days, we told our neighbors in advance that we would be leaving the next morning and that they should take care of our place when we are not there.When we arrived at the village, it started to rain. We took shelter in the guest house in which we were supposed to stay. When it stopped raining, we byword a rainbow. I and my siblings saw a rainbow for the first time in our lives. My fathe r described the whole procedure behind a rainbow and told us how it came into being. We were excited that such a thing existed in essence. The second day was filled with hiking rides all over the mountain and we even went for chairlift rides. It was such an enjoyable experience that I do not have the right words to explain. I enjoyed the whole journey immensely and it made me feel very good. My father acted as a guide during our trip and he basically guided us through buddy-buddy and thin, explaining things which were completely new to us. He also told us how to do trekking over the mountain and how to come back downhill. We took about 3 hours to go to the hilltop but came back in just 30 minutes. This thing amazed me endlessly and explained quite a lot of the laws of natural philosophy which I read in my physics course at school. I took guidance from my father whenever I experienced any anomaly in understanding the different nuances of the trekking trip. The third day saw us pac king our bags in the

Monday, May 13, 2019

Strategic Management Company Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic trouble Company Report - Essay ExampleThis expansion program made it become the first external hotel brand to hand a truly transnational presence with hotels in Latin America, Asia/Pacific, Middle eastbound and Africa. The original goal by PanAm was to assist local entrepreneurs and organisations design, build and operate hotels in important world-wide airway gateway destinations and traffic centres to enrich the international fit experience (InterContinental 2012b). Currently, InterContinental Hotels & Resorts comprises of 169 hotels globally that have a capacity of 57,598 rooms. It has also been named as the Worlds Leading Hotel Brand for three straightforward years (2009 to 2011) by the World Travel Awards, the ultimate travel accolade worldwide (InterContinental 2012a). Also, the company is possess by the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), a mega-corporation that owns five other leading global hotel and resort brands. The other brands owned by IHG are Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites. Given that the InterContinental Hotel is a large part of the IHG, most of the available research data is presented within the context of the IHG / group. For this reason, this report too shall tax this particular business within the same group context. 2.0. Analysis of the Internal and External surroundings fit to Gillespie (2007) analysis of the macro-environment allows management to get a clearer picture with regards to external factors that are likely to change and which among these allow have a greater effect on the future survival, profitability and growth of the organisation. In this document, mash analysis is used to evaluate the macro-environment. Within the same macro-environment, Porter (2008) argued that there are five forces that notice the structure and profitability of any given pains. For this reason, this paper uses the five forces framework to analyse InterContine ntal Hotels industry structure. This section also evaluates the internal environment of the company using strategic capabilities. 2.1. External environment 2.1.1. PESTLE analysis I. Political factors The InterContinental Hotels are found in over 60 countries crosswise the world. This represents a diverse geo-political landscape that the company needs to balance. Political factors affect government policies which in circle affect either one or more than one of the five competitive forces that influence an industrys profitability (Porter 2008). Two key areas that global politics has embraced is offering support for increased international trade and increased interdependence of national economies. This has naturally led firstly to increased business travel and then to leisure travel as the business travellers get exposed to new cultures and tourism sites. This implies that globalization which Barnes (2008) referred to as increase in international trade, increase in interdependence of national economies and increase in cross-border social, cultural and technological exchange indirectly promotes the travel and lodging industries. II. Economic factors Both the Asia-Pacific region and in the United States (US)

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Primary Source Focus Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Primary writer Focus Questions - Essay ExampleDuties that masters and mistresses expected from their servants include retaining honesty and overall morality in the house. According to Mrs. Beeton, one of the most important qualities of a good mistress is her ability to engage her servant. some other quality is informing her friends and relatives of an empty house through friendly domestics and a relatively lasting will power (Clark 415). Beeton says some of the most typical issues that exist between masters and servants are decadence and somewhat addicted attitudes towards each other. Beetons instructions tell modern readers of the radical change in relationships between kinsfolk owners and their house cleaners within a span of hundred and fifty years. However, the instructions do not portray any contemporary relevance since this culture was completely abandoned during the twentieth century.1) In The Ladies Paradise, how is the subdivision store personified (i.e. portrayed) and what do you think this says about the new culture of 19th C consumerism? What challenges and advantages did shop-girls like Denise governing body?The writer gives the department store the features of a monster-like apparatus and personifies it. The book portrays the department store as a continual cascade of materials flowing alongside the rumble of a river (Zola 36). This portrayal of the department stores paints the image of the 1800s Parisian department store by using numerous definitive pictures. These pictures allow Zola to make an unambiguous par between what a customer views at the store and what took place behind the curtains. Challenges Denise faced as a shop girl include supporting her orphan siblings by working at the kids section of the store and the stores uninviting working conditions. However, Denise benefited from the match of progress and her immunity to obtain desires (Zola 41).The theory of evolution challenged conventional belief systems by crossing

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Frankenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Frankenstein - Essay Exampleor the reader to push aside the place of the author within her own text as Shelley, who portrays the image of avowed atheist, and makes the comparison of valet development basing on contrary means encompassing both religious and secular relationships. At the finish of the novel, finished Frankenstein, the author completes that the moral and spiritual development is possible to attain best through the blending of dogmatic belief structures, which results to the elimination of God upon the attainment of self-realization.There are many monstrous reflections in this entire text basing on the critical commentary. Frankensteins prick serves as the existence of his short existence, which results to the refinement freedom of the creature that occurs through the death of his creator. Even though a secular theme continues through the entire novel, it is also impossible to force out the religious references and the biblical allusions, which provide the complex addition to the text that one could view as being the secular treatise basing on the dangerous nature of knowledge. Even though it can be possible to pare the text down into such non-religious terms, one cannot easily ignore that Frankenstein also contains the great deal of the biblical symbolism, evident particularly on the theme of outcast and the trigger story.In the story, the monster is subject to portray as a sympathetic character, especially in regards to the modern-day reader. Through the biblical story, Adam causal agents his own fate through engaging in sin. His creator, Victor, goes ahead to cause the creatures hideous existence, and it is through the grotesqueness that eventually leads to the spurning of the creature. It is only upon facing repeated rejection that leads the creature into becoming violent and thus deciding to seek revenge. The allegory of creation becomes clear to the reader set from the beginning of the novel. Despite lacking cultivation and learnin g through the morals and ethics of

Friday, May 10, 2019

Self Organizing Maps (SOM) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Self Organizing Maps (SOM) - query Paper ExampleThe performance of ANNs is better than that of traditional methods of problem solving. This enhances a comprehensive understanding of the serviceman cognitive abilities. From the available learning algorithms and skittish entanglement architectures, the SOM forms the most popular SOM. They accustom entropy visualisation techniques by Teuvo Kohonen to reduce data dimension using self-organizing neural networks. The data visualization problems attempt to make do problems that are beyond human visualization for high dimensional data. SOMs act as a non-parametric network block uping combination of data spatialization and abstraction, hence uptaked in visual clustering. SOM is among the most popular methods of neural networks for use in cluster analysis. This occurs due to topology preserving and self organizing nature for SOM. The SOMs act as abstract position for topographic social occasion. Modeling and analysis of mapping en hance understanding of perception, encoding, course credit and processes received and beneficial to the machine-based recognition of the patterns SOM possess prominent visualization properties. Developed from the associative memory model, SOM uses unsupervised learning algorithm characterized by simple computational form and structure enhanced by the retina-cortex mapping. The self-organization nature act as a fundamental process of pattern recognition, and allows learning the intra- and inter-pattern relationships for the stimuli without potential bias. SOM may provide the topologically preserved mapping to all the output spaces from remark. Though the computational form proves to be simple, most aspects related to the algorithm moldiness be investigated (Zhang et al 2010, p. 6359). 2.0 Basic principles of SOM The Kohonen self-organizing map encompasses a neural network, and various characteristics similar to the working of the human brain. Basically, SOM avails some classificato ry resources that are organized based on patterns available for classification. The single layer of the neural network consists of neurons at heart n-dimensional grid. The grids allow the definition for the neighborhoods in the output space rather than the input space. The input and output spaces constitute the main SOM. This can also be performed through the use of tools that map vectors within the input space to output the space that preserves topological relations in the output space (Yang et al 2012, p.1371). SOM use unsupervised competitive learning and attempts to conform to the available input data. The SOM nodes act as inputs and contain some principle SOM features. Topological relationship between inputs is preserved after mapping into the SOM network. This pragmatically represents the complex data. SOMs use vector quantization in data compression processes. The SOMs offer an appropriate means of representing the multi-dimensional data in the lower dimensional space using one or two dimensions. This enhances visualization and understanding of data in low dimensions. Therefore, SOMs facilitates manipulation of complex data, especially in visualization of large quantities of data in an

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Contemporary Application of Economic Theory (proposal) Research Paper

Contemporary Application of Economic Theory (proposal) - Research Paper object lessonThis research shall seek to scrutinize the validity of the model and assess how the model has succeeded over the years in fetching the economic environment of England with reliable economic predictions, based on which economic policy abstract of England can be attributed to.The literature review and theoretical framework of this research work shall be build purposely around the research questions. To this effect, there shall be three major themes which will be looked at. These themes discombobulate briefly been discussed belowThe suite of statistical presage models used by the Bank of England was born step up of behavioural game theory. Behavioural game theory has been lowered by economists to mean the empirical intent of how individuals make choices nether conditions of uncertainty and strategic interaction (Gintis, 2005). It is based on clues of how people make choices under uncertainty and strategic interaction that the Bank comes out with its forecasts of inflation and output growth as inputs into the forecasting process (Kapetanios G, Labhard V and set S, 2007). Major components of the model include simple linear autoregressive (AR) models, information from real history, univariate non-linear models, more information from extra variables, Linear vector-autoregressions (VARs), and use of Bayesian techniques.The major and most outstanding concern of the model on economic policy making in Englands economy is that the model has succeeded in coming out with reliable forecast for decision making on inflation and other macroeconomic variables. This is not without the challenge of dealing with the unconditional mean but as noted by investment company and Watson (2007), the well-documented move towards macroeconomic stability, sometimes referred to as the Great Stability, has made forecasting more faint in the sense that macroeconomic variables stray less far from the u nconditional mean (Kapetanios G, Labhard V and Price S, 2007, p.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Asthma Trap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Asthma Trap - Essay ExampleThe cause of asthma is not known but there are a few factors or friendly forces that whoremonger safely be said are the major causes of asthma. Genetic factor is one of the most familiar factors that say that it is hereditary and runs in the family. Next is the environmental factor that suggests that pollen, house dust mites, animal hackles and tobacco smoke if present in the environment are allergens that trigger asthma. Irritants in the workplace care chemicals, dust, gases etc are major causes of asthma in adults that are due to the occupation which gives photograph to such allergens as in the paint factory or where dealing with raw cotton is done etc. A healthy lifestyle is very important as if dietary habits are not correct therefore asthma is likely to happen due to increased intake of processed foods and high use of salt. little exercise and leading a very sedentary life is also one of the causes as trim down exercise means less stretchin g of the air focuss due to which abnormal contraction is observed even upon exposure to the minor irritants. Asthma is related to multiple factors which are beyond patients control.Asthma has become the most communal chronic illness among boorren in USA, affecting some 6 million kids, and its prevalence is growing at a rate that some public health experts find alarming. Since 1982, according to the National Center for health Statistics, the number of asthma sufferers in the United States has doubled. Sara CorbettLike any other disease asthma similarly burdens the patients and their families both emotionally and financially. Particularly asthma in children takes a toll on the entire family as parents miss work to care for their children and struggle to pay hospital bills, childrens grades fall off as absenteeism from give lessons increases hence lower productivity at work. Patients dependent on inhalers have to carry it with them all the eon and using it in public makes them co nscious and cordially misfit and some patients due to this often go into social recluse. Asthma burdens the patient financially as well. According to a study childhood asthma cost the nation $3.2 billion annually in health care expenses also the constant fear of a severe attack and the fear of death is always associated with asthma. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 5,000 Americans die this way every year. Sara CorbettMy brother is asthmatic and I personally have seen him going into social hermit and avoiding social gatherings because of the fear of asthma attacks or public usage of inhalers when suffering shortness of breath. As a child he felt chained while playing with kids his age who freely used to bike or used to indulge in strenuous activities as my brother took every step very conservatively because of asthma attack fear as in the past he had suffered when he was just having summercater with people his age and doing things of his age. An interestin g finding is that factors such as race, ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic can regularise child health and have its impact on asthma. Lets discuss each factorGenderBoys as compared to girls are more prone to asthma. However, in adolescence its the reverse and asthma is more severe in females and is infra diagnosed and undertreated. This change is seen around the time of puberty and could possibly be due to hormonal changes and differences in environmental

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The television show AMERICAN IDOL. is a good show. and why it a good Essay

The television show AMERICAN IDOL. is a beneficial show. and why it a good show - Essay ExampleExploring the spontaneousness aspects of the show, how much of it is truly willing and what parts are orchestrated is a topic of speculation (Shale 2006). The competitions initial rounds eviscerate tens of thousands of hopeful artists who are screened and only dozens move on to the rounds in Hollywood. In these initial auditions, a mix of expectant artists are showcased comprise of some bizarre acts, very poor singing giving along with those who are chosen for the rounds in Hollywood. The viewers are granted the experience of watching spontaneity at its epitome with bizarre and awful performances such as the portrayal of Lady Marmalade in period integrity and a contestant dressed as the Statue of Liberty in the latest seasons auditions. While one may wonder whether such self-delusioned people are for real, viewers will no doubt agree that such eccentricities add to the reality shows a ppeal.While spontaneity of the contestants is one aspect, the judge themselves add to the drama of the show by blunt and harsh criticisms and unsuppressed dismays expressed verbally and with their dramatic facial expressions. The three judges of the show, Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson portrays three different personal styles with Simon plan of attack across as the most critical and harsh of them with controversial remarks which even raise public backlashes. As per Tom Shales, in his article, Americas Winning Losers when the show started, this aspect of it seemed awfully mean-spirited -- humiliation television, cruelty as merriment (Shales 2006). However, it has to be accepted that the viewing audience sees such brutal remarks by Simon as You look uniform the Incredible Hulks wife as an essential element of the formula which makes Idol the success it is. Squabbling between the judges themselves on disagreements on who they