Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Earth Studies Essay
Sheenagh Pugh gives us a very depressing view of the future in her trilogy of poems known as ‘the Earth Studies’. She gives us these views by writing very descriptive and atmospheric poems subtly conveying her opinion on world pollution. All her poems tell stories at different times of earth’s extinction for example: ‘The Craft I left in was called Esau’ was set just when the survivors left the now extinct earth, And ‘Geography 1’ and ‘Do you think we’ll ever get to see Earth, Sir’ were set when the survivors are in a different place, probably a planet. In Sheenagh Pugh’s poems, the mood and atmosphere are very important as it helps her convey her opinion to her readers. And also it makes her poems interesting to read. The first poem that I am going to analyse is ‘The Craft I left in was called Esau’ which is the first in ‘the Earth Studies’ trilogy. This poem tells the story of human survivors leaving Earth because they destroyed it. The poems title refers to the parable of Esau, who swapped his inheritance for a bowel of potage. This is suggesting that humans made a bad barging as Esau did. My first example of Sheenagh Pugh creating good atmosphere from ‘The Craft I left in was called Esau’ is lines 10-11 when she says ‘No bother, No big deal. I can’ t recall feeling sad’ I think this creates good atmosphere because it seems to be said very hollowly, conveying a large sense of falseness among the readers, it is as if the writer is saying something to try and hide emotion, which tells me that the writer really means the opposite. My second example from ‘The Craft I left in was called Esau’ is in line 6-7 when she says ‘People joked nervously; just like a plane flight’. I think this creates a good atmosphere with good use of the simile just like a plane flight because it is something that the readers can relate to. Also the phrase ‘nervously joked’ conveys the general mood of the survivors, who are on the flight, which is uncertainty and fear. My third example is from line 8 which says ‘ they found seats and wondered if their bags would fit’ I think this phrase discreetly shows atmosphere as the survivors are worrying over the most trivial things such as whether their bags fit after they just left their home planet because they misused its resources which caused it to be destroyed. I think that they are doing this to try and blank the past from their minds. The second poem is called ‘Do you think we’ll ever get to see Earth, Sir’. It is about two people talking about visiting Earth on excursion trips. I think this is set in around 20 years after ‘The craft I left in was called Esau’ as it states that the writer used to live on Earth. The poem starts with in a very sad atmosphere, the poem is very sad and pessimistic, an example of this is ‘you won’t see what it once was’. This shows that the writer is still very sad because of earth being destroyed; it conveys the writer’s opinion and sensitivity very well. From line 11 the poem does not create much atmosphere but it does use very beautiful descriptive language to create an overall happy mood. The start of this is ‘But if you see some beautiful thing’ But signals that there is going to be a change to the mood of the poem. It also starts using very uncommon words such as damascened (which means: something is decorated by inlaying or encrusting a pattern) and iridescence (which means: spectrum of luminous or shimmering colours). One of the best examples of description I have ever read in a poem is ‘look at it as if you were made of eyes, as if you were nothing but an eye, lidless and tender. To be probed and scorched by extreme light’. I think that the aforementioned description is an amazing way of personification because it is totally original, A completely different way of describing something. Also the ending is very nicely phrased to make it sound soppy and could bring tears to some peoples eyes. The third poem is called ‘Geography one’ and is about a futuristic geography class where none of the children had ever seen Earth before. This is the last in ‘the Earth Studies trilogy’ and is a very similar the first 2 poems because some of it is very descriptive and is very emotional. In this story the teacher is showing her class slides of a volcanic region called Surtsey, which she briefly saw while she was on Earth. This helps her remember her experiences. Also this poem carries the moral of cherish the moment. My first example of discretion and mood is from line 6 ‘Now here you see the terrific spray, the water heaved aside as the rock was thrown up’. The first part of this describes the water as a terrific spray, which is usually seen when waves crash against something, i.e. when it hits a boat. Also the waves must have been quite big as it managed to throw up a rock. My second example is from line 22-25 ‘The man here is a warden, guarding his little world from any interference, letting it grow as it was meant to’ I think this phrase shows that the writer appreciates this mans view otherwise she would not have brought him up. I also think that she envies him for having his own little world, which is his and his alone. My last example is from line 28 until the end. ‘I saw it one day in passing; it was a few years old. Just an offshore island, a stony outline softened with lichen. Someone said that’s Surtsey, and I said fancy that, but I hadn’t time to look properly’ Conclusion I think that Sheenagh Pugh is a very effective writer, but I do not think that she is that good a poet because I usually associate poetry with Rhyming words. I personally think that she should think of becoming a proper author and that she should convert her poems into short stories. I think that she is very effective at describing things and adding her own feelings. I think that in her fist poem ‘The craft I left in was called Esau’ that she was very good at creating atmosphere and tension. In the other two poems, she was great at describing images. I agree with her that we are careless with resources and that someone will have to come up with an answer soon. I think that the second poem ‘Do you think we will ever get to see earth, sir’ was my favourite poem as it had lots of description.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Bible Interpretation: Steps Involved in Interpretation of New Testament Letters Essay
In the book â€Å"Journey into God’s Word: Your Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible (pp. 100-102), Duvall and Hays teach the four steps of the Interpretative Journey for the New Testament letters. These steps, when utilized properly, helps us grasp the meaning in the scriptures Galatians 5:16-18, but also gives us an understanding of how we interpret things in the modern world as opposed to those in the biblical world. Step one of the Interpretative Journey for the New Testament letters asks the reader to â€Å"Grasp the text in their town.†By this the author wants the reader to understand the difference in culture and time, as well as understand that the message Paul was trying to teach when writing that letter to the Galatians. In chapter 5:16-18, Paul states very clearly and to the point, â€Å"Let the holy spirit guide your lives, then you wont be doing what your sinful nature craves.†This powerful verse allows the reader to understand how great the fight between the flesh and the Spirit are. These three verses allowed Paul to reassure that anyone who walks in the path of the Spirit will less likely give in to the urges of the Flesh. Those who do right to fulfil their obligation to the Spirit are slowly cleansing their own soul of their sinful desires. ‘Measure the width of the river to cross’ is step two of Interpretative Journey for New Testament letters. The biblical audience and modern day interpretations of the scriptures in Galatians form the proverbial river that we must measure in order to cross. The biblical audience found themselves in a fight between the flesh and the Spirit. We in modern times also have the same battle to overcome. The river however I think was much higher in biblical times because of the constant strain for acceptance and understanding that they lacked in first-century theology. I think finding a clearer path in the Spirit in earlier times was much easier to find and hold onto since the majority of life was home and church, unlike today which many do not believe in the Spirit. Step three asks us to â€Å"Cross the Principalizing Bridge.†To give ones entire devotion to the Spirit is a very hard, daunting task that can sometimes feel like the wrong path.The theological principle is to walk in the Spirit. To give in to ones sinful desires to the flesh seems like an easier route. However the second theological principle is to Not give into the evils of the flesh, but to believe in the Spirit and walk in his light. Both biblical day Jews and modern day Christians face this decision everyday. This makes the theological principles timeless and apparent in the text. It follows the scripture and pertains to both audiences. The final step in the Interpretative Journey for New Testament letters is â€Å"Grasp the text in our town.†This step is used t o ask oneself how modern day Christians utilize apply the theological principles by giving two real-life stories that focus on them.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Assisted Suicide
Assisted Suicide Essay In thousands of homes across the nation victims of terminal illnessessit in pain due to their sicknesses. Should these people have to go through allof that pain and suffering just for the end result of death? Should thesepeople have the right to assisted death, to rid themselves of unbearable pain?This topic has been one of the great controversies over the last several years. Not too long ago if someone was found assisting in suicide, it was seenas a felony crime. But recently there have been court cases taken up in twofederal appellate courts that ruled terminally ill patients have the right toseek doctor assisted suicide (Carter 1). These cases took place in New York andWashington. This added two more to the list of states that legalized this meansof ending life. However, doctor assisted is still seen as a criminal act inthirty four states(Rosen 1). In my opinion, doctor assisted suicide should bemade legal throughout the nation. If a terminally ill patient wants to take hisor her life due to excruciating pain, he or she should have the ability toutilize euthanasia. Ultimately, the decision should be that of the terminallyill individual. The main controversy over this issue, is the question of morality. Isit morally right for a doctor to assist in suicide? Many individuals feel thatit is not. It is thought if assisted suicide is legalized throughout th e states,it will encourage families with terminally ill relatives to push themprematurely to their demise(Carter 2). This is an outlandish assumption. Afamily that truly loves one another would not urge a family member to rush anydecision as momentous as ending ones life. If there is caring among the family,the suicide would not take place until is was utterly necessary. Two other important moral questions also arise from this issue. First,do our mortal lives belong to us alone, are we sovereign over our bodies, or dothey belong to the communities of families in which we are embedded? Second,will this right give the terminally ill a greater sense of control over theircircumstances, or will it weaken respect for life?(Carter 2)The first question is ridiculous. It seems as though Carter is tryingto say we will no longer be in charge of ourselves, and we will be living in asocialistic society. There is no reason why we should not be able to controlthe destiny of our lives. We, as human beings, are solely sovereign over ourown bodies. Therefore, it is the terminally ill patient who should have theability to choose death over life. It is this person who is experiencing thepain and suffering of their disease, not a relative or close friend, much lessthe government. The legalization of doctor assisted suicide is no reason tochange anything with people who a re not terminally ill. The second question, on the other hand, has some validity and logic toit. Doctor assisted suicide would give the dying a certain sense of control. It would enable the patient to have a certain feeling of power, knowing that heor she has the ability to complete his or her life upon request. This may soundsomewhat awkward; however, it is quite possible that it would give the patientsa sense of well being. Furthermore, it gives them a chance to end their lives ontheir terms, instead of letting a disease determine their course in life. Asfor the second half of this question, it should in no way weaken the respect forlife. Losing respect for life is for the weak minded. If anything itstrengthens the patients respect; a person in the last stages of a terminalillness has endured some of the worst life has to offer. It takes away many ofhis capabilities to perform what would normally be commonplace activities; inshort it has overtaken his life and dignity. The ability to perform legalassisted suicide would help to replace some of the dignity which the illness hasextracted from a persons life. It would give the person the capability to endmatters on his own terms. READ: Memorandum EssayJohn Stuart Mill, one of the great philosophers of the nineteenthcentury, derived a theory which is an excellent example as an argument for thelegalization of doctor assisted suicide, or all moral crimes for that matter. This theory was deemed the Harm Principle: a person is wholly sovereign overhis body. It is
The Archaeological search for the ancient city of Troy Essay
The Archaeological search for the ancient city of Troy - Essay Example According to the myth that he created, in the early childhood little Henry has set a fantastic goal - to find Homer's Troy and immortalize his own name. For this he earned a fortune and turned his life into one of the most amusing stories in world history. In this a very interesting tale’s finale: Troy has been found and wiped out. Heinrich Schliemann was born in 1822 in the family of a Protestant pastor in Germany. During his childhood he heard many stories about ancient castles and buried treasures. Those stories along with the "World History for Children" book, which he got when he was 8 as a gift from his father, according to him, became the impetus for the journey to a mythical Troy. Later, in his autobiography Schliemann wrote that when he saw pictures of Troy, the city, glorified by the blind Homer in the immortal "Iliad", he decided once and for all to find the city. Archaeology, the science of finding and excavation the ancient civilizations hardly existed in the begi nning the XIX century. And Schliemann's idea of basing his search on the work of literature, taking it at a face value sounded crazy. What if the poet, albeit the great one, used metaphors and wrote about imaginary things? Heinrich’s father fell into financial problems and the boy had to look for an employment. Beside the work, he was spending his money on further his education. Wanting to verify the statement â€Å"A man who speaks two languages is worth two men†, Henry decides to study foreign languages, starting with the mother tongue – German, polishing pronunciation. Using his own method of learning within only three months he learned English and French – within next months. On March 1844, after being fired from his next job, he approached the richest import and export firm in Amsterdam â€Å"Schroeder and Co" and offers himself as a commercial agent to work with foreign partners. â€Å"Schroder and Co†had the trading business virtually ever ywhere in the world and Heinrich proved to be a real catch for them. Not only he knew languages, he also knew how to trade. He was working for two people and receiving one salary. After a year of hard work he has made a great success – the director of the company made him his personal assistant. At that time the most profitable market for the company was Russia. Technical complexity of its development was that the representatives of Russian trading companies generally did not know any foreign language. It was difficult to negotiate. Schliemann took the initiative to rectify the situation and started to learn the Russian language. Soon he became fluent in it and was stationed to Russia. In 1846 Russia met Schliemann with intolerable cold. The path to his dream journey to Troy lied through the endless snow, which still had to be turned into gold. Spring brought Heinrich Schliemann fabulous profits. He started his own company and over the next few years he creates an entire trad ing empire, which specialized in the purchase of European goods in Amsterdam and selling them in Russia. It seemed the market in Russia is conquered, and Schliemann left to America, where he invested in gold mining. Profiteering gold was successful, but the outbreak of the Crimean War in Russia in 1854 opened new horizons for the company.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7
Assignment Example 4 Part D 5 Describe the single most important/useful thing about organizational behavior. 5 Part E 5 Assuming this is true, what would a culture look like for shaping high ethical standards? 5 What could top management do to strengthen that culture? 5 Do you think it’s possible for a manager with high ethical standards to uphold those standards in an organizational culture that tolerates, or even encourages, unethical practices? 5 Works Cited 6 Name of the Student Name of the Professor Name of the Course Date Part A Summarize article It is very important to bring about major changes within organizations. Otherwise, they tend to remain locked within the old patterns and lag behind their competitors. In some other cases, they end up in poor alignment with the business objectives or markets. In such cases, one of the best courses of action includes making big changes within organizations. The decision of bringing about a change within the organization is very risky. However, it i s better than lagging behind the competitors. Higher attention is required for the maintenance of team psychology during taking change initiatives or restructuring. Some of the necessary steps in this context include retaining talented employees, hiring new employees and building team cohesiveness. These are the important points to be considered as they might pose as big challenges to the organization and put restraints on the organizational changes. The article states that it is very important to consider how rewarding and motivation can be incorporated within organizations effectively. Motivational drivers are the reasons responsible for the performances of team members. Each and every team member has his/her own motivational driver. These drivers help in building elegant solutions with quality, creativity and skill. The motivational drivers for the managers include how to bring an effective change within an organization and leave their mark in it. Individuals within an organizati on require stability and knowledge regarding their specific functions along with their respective positions. The article states that organizational change is nothing but a race of stability. Part B What are the key signs of culture in your organization? Explain. Culture is a significant factor in an organization which helps in bringing together a group of different individuals (Hofstede 22). It is comprised of aspirations, beliefs and languages. In an organization, establishment of a unique prevalent culture is very important as cultural values are different for individuals belonging to different backgrounds. Organizational culture is of great significance in today’s world (Hofstede 48). In order to seek new opportunities, it is very important to respect the mission and values of the organization in which an employee is working. This is the first sign of positive working culture. It is essential to create a supportive environment for all employees, so that they can feel comfo rtable to work in it. It is vital to determine different ways to make the workplace comfortable and genial. These are the important signs of positive organizational culture. If much of the literature is accurate and ethical/moral values and behavior are shaped at an early age, how do you explain what has happened in recent business history? (Tyco, WorldCom, Enron, etc.) Ethics and moral values are very essential for shaping effective organizational behavior. However, the recent deceptive activities suggest that
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Choose one of the theorists of power discussed in Week 3, and discuss Essay
Choose one of the theorists of power discussed in Week 3, and discuss the extent to which their ideas are relevant to understand the distribution and exercise o - Essay Example Going further it is very clear from the review of the literature that these thinkers were influenced by the events that shaped their world and also by the contribution of the previous generation of philosophers. Thus it is important to remember that their views can be only understood in the context of these experiences. Since, there is a progressive development in their ideas as time progresses, there is no point of comparison. Yet if one is asked to choose which among them is more relevant to understanding the present system of governance or the various leadership models found in the modern world, then there must be no hesitation to choose the classical theorist Max Weber. The following reasons supports this view. Using these three questions as guidelines, it would be beneficial to have an overview of the different theories by the other philosophers to provide a point of comparison. By looking at their respective historical we see a linear development from Medieval period up to the more recent era. Max Weber continued writing even up to the 20th century and undoubtedly his ideas were shaped by the leapfrogging developments in politics and social sciences at the turn of the century. Contrast Webers background and experiences to Niccolo Machiavelli who lived in a period commonly known as the Dark Ages. This is a time before the Reformation, Renaissance and age of scientific progress. His magnum opus, a book entitled The Prince was written in 1515 AD, in the midst of a society where despots and authoritarian rulers are a norm (Wheeler, 2006, par.3, â€Å"The Prince†). Thomas Hobbes on the other hand was born a mere century after Machiavelli and his theory of power was based on the understanding of a world ruled by kings, queens and popes. His ideas supported the necessity of a monarchical government and even assert that order can be attained by following this type of rule. Hobbes was forced to support monarchy only
Friday, July 26, 2019
Spirituality of Miccosukee Indian tribe Research Paper - 1
Spirituality of Miccosukee Indian tribe - Research Paper Example These spirit animals are often seen in a vision quest that each Native American do when they are young. This vision quest is a time for fasting and prayer and the youth hope to see their totem animal that also becomes their guardian (Gold, 2007). The Florida Seminoles and the Miccosukee believe in a Great Spirit or the Breath Maker who is in charge of making and maintaining life (â€Å"Religion of..†, n.d.). The meaning of life is very important to the Miccosukee because they acknowledge that everything is a part of their environment. All life is important. In the old days, when they hunted, they asked the spirit of the animal that was being killed, for forgiveness (â€Å"Religion of†, n.d.). The Miccosukee would also pray to a spirit of a tree before cutting down the tree. The Miccosukee may state that their strength comes from their religion and the fact that they have not adopted the Western ways. Because they are unique in keeping their customs and history, they would also see their matrilineal foundation as being important to their strength. For Native Americans, everything is spiritual and everything has a presence anywhere in the earth (Johnson, 2007). The sweat lodges and shamans are very important to Native Americans and healthcare. Shamans often help with health issues in the tribe because they understand how to interpret dreams and oversee many rituals that take place within the tribe (Johnson, 2007). The sweat lodge is one of the ways that Native Americans are able to keep balanced with the spirit world and with the creator (Garrett, et al., 2011). For Native Americans, the concept of balance means that they will have balance in mind, body, and spirit â€Å"with the natural environment†(Garrett et al., 2011, p. 318). On the spiritual level, the sweat lodge is also done for transformation and renewal of the spirit. In contrast to the way Westerners believe, the concept of transformation traditionally will be done in the presence of family and
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Compare and contrast WHY WE CAN'T WAIT to IF YOU WERE ONLY WHITE Essay
Compare and contrast WHY WE CAN'T WAIT to IF YOU WERE ONLY WHITE - Essay Example Why We Cant Wait primarily highlights the concerns of Martin Luther King Jr. for the black community in the United States; African Americans. The ultimate issue is the integration of the black community in the American society in terms of having their rights and freedoms observed. The year 1963 marked a critical time for the concerns spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. Specifically, Emancipation Proclamation was meant to mark a new beginning in accounting for equality between the whites and the blacks (Weatherford 81). The proclamation was meant to bring to an end years and years of slavery and segregation of African Americans. On the other hand, If You Were Only White highlights the experiences of a baseball player by the name Satchel Paige. Paige was an African American who had become a successful baseball player, climbing up the game ladder to outperform both white and black baseball players (Partridge 294). He too, just like the rest of the black community, suffered the impacts of segregation. Amid this, he stood out for what he believed was right and good for the society. His fame and performance along his career line had broken racial ties in the United States between 1920s and 1980s. While Martin Luther King Jr. and his associates pushed for Emancipation Proclamation, Satchel Paige was using his baseball career to try and unite the American people beyond racial limits. King felt that the freedom of the black community had been delayed for a hundred years if not more (Weatherford 137). As a result, he fought for the freedom of African Americans and advocated for equality in the society. Even with emancipation, the facts of the matter were yet to be operationalized in Birmingham and beyond. This aspect provides the reason why the blacks felt they could not wait any longer. For Satchel Paige, his influence in the American society has caught the attention of both whites and blacks. The context of the arguments made in If You Were Only White refers to a
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Translate Niches or Gaps Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Translate Niches or Gaps - Assignment Example The topic of the study is, â€Å"Impact of the internet on information literacy and library skills.†There is no doubt that numerous studies have been conducted on the same topic. It is also true that with the introduction, development, and advancements of the internet, information literacy and library skills have tremendously improved. In the contemporary society, studies are now able to develop their research methods and achieve a good sense of plagiarism through specific software (Correia & Teixeira, 2003). In addition, there is an extensive use of web 2.0 applications as well as search engines such as the Wikipedia and Google that has enabled students and other stakeholders to increase their information literacy and library skills (Correia & Teixeira, 2003). Indisputably, the internet has had a major impact on information literacy and library skills within the contemporary environment. Despite earlier studies and researches on the impact of the internet on education, very little has been done on specific items such as information literacy and library skills. Most previous studies and researchers have only been able to generalize the impact of the internet on education and probably acquisition of information. Specific skills such as library and information literacy have rarely been studies. Even in the few cases that such studies have been conducted, the research is not intensive and extensive. In this respect this research aims at finding out more about the specific impact of the internet. The specific impact of the internet to be addressed in this paper includes the information literacy and the library skills. Even though many researches and studies have been carried out on the impact of the internet on broad perspectives such as education, it is still evident that new advancements and developments arise within the internet. There are numerous dynamics still being experienced within the concepts of the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Federal Governments Roles in Private Security Research Paper
Federal Governments Roles in Private Security - Research Paper Example This can be done by the creation of gazettes that limit the mandate of private security companies to access information on a particular case. Moreover, the state should be able to share information with the private sector in case of a security threat. For instance, airport security may be mandated to stop a person as mandated by the state. Such collaborations make it easier to handle security threats. Another role of the state on private firms is to ensure proper certification of the practice. An organization should be valid and legally created to be able to serve in the industry. Raphael (2004) also points out that the state should ensure operations of private companies are regulated and specified. For instance, a private company may be provided with a mandate to use firearms only in extremely necessary situations. Private security firms in charge of institutions should be major areas to be targeted by the state. For instance, airports should be handled with greater regards from the state. The state should have intensified focus on private security firms in airports. However, this mandated should be limited to avoid instances of abuse on human rights. Regardless of this requirement, national security should be a priority (Noam, 2005). The author, however, is keen to assert that institutions such as medical and educational facilities should be approached with caution considering the sensitivity of people in these institutions (Noam, 2005). An area that should be provided with maximum state control is boarder control. Private security firms with the responsibility of securing across boarder transports should be completely transparent to the government on the nature of their business and provide evidence to support the claims. One proposed Act is the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR). This act is aimed at managing the contraction of private security firms. In an
Angry Men Essay Example for Free
Angry Men Essay The character in this movie that was the most effective critical thinker was juror 8(Henry Fonda). The types of characteristics that Fonda, exemplify is provisionalism, creativity, and critical thinking. By doing this he is uncover new ways of interpreting evidence, turns to certainty and shortsightedness when arriving at conclusions. For example, Fonda commented on how the boy had been slapped around all his life and was treated poorly. This kind of thinking leads to more external attributionsâ€â€it was the way the boy was treated in life, not something inherent about the boy or his character. Next Fonda asks the jurors to consider the larger picture: the defendants background, the witnesses credibility, and the defending attorneys motives. He then shakes up the room by presenting a knife identical to the murder weapona weapon that the jurors were certain was unique. At this point, he has them wavering about reasonable doubt. Fonda was clearly self-confident. He had complete conviction in what he was doing and saying which instilled confidence in other members of the jury who were leaning in that direction a guilty verdict. The character that is the least effective critical thinker is juror 3 (Lee J. Cobb). Cobb made more internal attributions for the boy’s behavior. He agreed with the slum kid idea, but also focused on the notion that kids today don’t have any respect or sense of morality. He is basing this decision on his own life situation because of his poor relationship with his son. Cobb categorizes the defendant as a rebellious kid and wants to persecute him. Another example is when Henry Fonda insulted Lee Cobb by calling him a sadist and that due to his own beliefs. Cobb got mad and said: â€Å"I’m gonna kill ya. †Thus, when Cobb said it, it was just the situation that provoked this expression, but when the boy said it, it was an indication of his murderous rage. So this is an example of Cobb is view as bias. The other jurors are shocked that he seems to have forgotten the sure and certain facts of the case that prove the defendants guilt. Now these are facts, you cant refute facts as stated by Cobb. The barriers that prevented three other jurors were racist, baseball fan, advertisement. Ed Begley was racist this become a barrier when thinking ritically because he is so ingrained in the way of his life. He is not simply accepting information at face value in a non-critical or non-evaluating way. He feel that because the boy as a slum kid this is stereotypes which lead to a biased way of interpreting the evidence. He relayed the idea that there’s something about slum kids who belong to certain ethnic groups that makes them i nherently rotten. These are internal attributions which lead to more of a guilty verdict. Jack Ward barrier was that he wants to conform with the majority in order to quickly end the deliberations so he can attend a ballgame. He was selfish and inconsiderate that another person life was at stack. He also stated the he had enough of all the talking and wasn’t going to say nothing. But when was asked why he could not response why. Webber was continually strays off course with advertising stories and slogans. His job was getting in the way of his decision. Not staying focus on what is going on can lead to the wrong decision. Towards the middle of the movie Sweeny, Marshall, and Voskovec all become critical thinkers. Sweeny initially conformed in the public vote, but switched when it was privateâ€â€suggesting that he went along with the crowd. But then later he remembers information that the eye witness stated. Sweeny did not accuse either of the eye witnesses of lying but question the information. He said that these people believed they saw the boy commit the crime. In other words, they somehow misremembered what they saw and heard. Thus, they probably witnessed an ambiguous event and filled in the missing information with details that were prescribed by their own stereotypes of slum kids. In addition, the police officers and lawyers who interviewed the witnesses may have planted false memories in them by asking leading questions. In either case, these people probably believed that they saw the boy at the scene of the crimeâ€â€but this was probably due to the misinformation effect. With Marshall at first he refuses to budge until he is presented with sound reasons for changing his mind. He went by the boys alibi was that he was at the movies when the murder took place. Marshall said that because the boy couldn’t remember the names of the films and who played in them when he was interviewed by the police then he obviously was lying but he remembers that the boy was under conditions of high emotional stress. Thus Marshall failed to consider how the stress of the situation could have affected the boyâ€â€and just made an internal attribution that he is a liar. However, when Marshall was asked to remember the films he saw last weekend, he couldn’t fully remember themâ€â€even without emotional stress. Marshall also eventually changed his vote based on informational influence. He was convinced that the female eye witness had poor eyesight and therefore couldn’t make a positive identification. This was less of a superficial change. Voskovec became a critical thinker because throughout the trail he took down information that he felt was important. Then when it was time to deliberate him then took down more information that each juror had to say. By this his was gathering important information to base his decision on whether the boy is guilty or not. The four types of logical fallacies that are present in the jurors thinking process are flaws in thinking, illogical sequences of thought, stereotyping, obfuscation, and other typical critical thinking errors displayed in the movie as the characters move through the stages of critical thinking development. Fonda and Cobb revealed an emotional argument: The whole debate in which one character called the other a sadist. A scuffle occurred afterward. Ed Begley revealed unqualified generalization: he was a racist who hated slum-kid such as the defendant. He went on a rant in which he claimed not a one of them are any good. Sweeny showed false analogy: When he mentions how the one of the witnesses in the trial just made a up a story to get attention. The character said that he knew because he would have done the same thing, were he as lonely as the witness.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Juicy essay Essay Example for Free
Juicy essay Essay In the song â€Å"Juicy†, by Notorious BIG, also known as Biggie Smalls, there is a main theme of rising from poverty and entering into wealth. Wealth in this sense not only means material things, but it also makes reference to intangibles such as stability for himself and his mother. He begins by noting material things including: â€Å"condos in Queens,†â€Å"putting 5 Karats in my baby girls ear,†â€Å"lunches, brunches, interviews by the pool,†â€Å"50 inch screens, money green leather sofa, two cars a limousine with a chauffeur. †These material things highlight significance in his life because in comparison to his childhood, they are infinitely superior. His childhood consisted of â€Å"eatin sardines for dinner,†being â€Å"considered a common thief,†â€Å"dropping out of high school,†and living in public housing. Furthermore, Biggie’s life was immensely changed in a different aspect. Along with his economic wealth, he gained stability for himself and his mother and made her proud of him. He states, â€Å"My mother loves to show me off, of course, smiles every time my face is up in The Source.†Biggie also states that he celebrated every day because of his hard work and determination he was able to create a better opportunities for himself and his family. In the song â€Å"Juicy†there is a reoccurring theme of rising from the rags to the riches and never giving up on a dream that you set out to accomplish. Notorious BIG reflects on his life while growing up and always being told, â€Å"you’ll never make it.†In the song he says, â€Å"Considered a fool because I dropped out of high school, stereotypes of a black male misunderstood, and its all good.†He dropped out of school so that he could continue to make music and pursue a career. While growing up in poverty, Biggie was often faced with the option to sell drugs or stay in school. When he dropped out of school at the age of 17, he became a drug dealer so he could make some money with the ultimate goal of becoming a rapper. In the song he says, â€Å"to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin in front of that called the police on me when I was just tryin to make some money to feed my daughters, and all the niggaz in the struggle, you know what Im sayin?†When he was growing up there were things he had to do to get by, there were things that he had to do that weren’t always legal, but he did what he needed to provide for his family. Another important part of the song was when said, â€Å"I let my tape rock ‘till my tape popped†. He didnt give up on his dream of becoming a rapper. No matter how many people told him he couldnt do it, or he wouldnt last, he never gave up and he continued to give out his tapes. Biggie’s â€Å"tape popped†when his song was number one on Billboard Magazine. This led him to being signed by Bad Boy Records, which was owned by fellow East Coast Rapper, Sean â€Å"Diddy†Combs. After becoming rich and making it in the rap game, Biggie became a different person. He didnt know what to do with the wealth he had and flaunted it in the wrong ways. In the song he says, â€Å"Girls used to diss me, now they writing letters because they miss me.†When he said that they used to diss him, he was referring to how people that were close to him changed because they wanted to take advantage of him, and people that weren’t close to him wanted to be friends and benefit from the wealth he had. In this part of the song he was referring to how wealth can corrupt people. He remained unfazed, kept his circle small, and still pursued his dream of becoming a famous rapper. An excerpt from the song, after Notorious became popular, â€Å"Living life without fear, putting 5 karats in my baby girl’s ear, lunches, brunches, interviews by the pool†This was an important transformation in his life because he went from a gangster on the streets and slinging drugs, to a rich rap star. Another quote from the song was, â€Å"Phone bill about 2 G’s flat, no need to worry my accountant handles that.†With all the wealth that he accumulated, he was carefree living. He went from struggling to put food on the table for his family to letting businessmen handle all his financial decisions. He had seen the way that wealth could change people. Also in the song he mentioned, â€Å"50 inch screen, money green leather sofa, got two rides, a limousine with a chauffer.†The way that Biggie spent his money was typical to any other person that made it from rags to riches. He went from wondering if he would have a meal to eat, to spending money on lavish things. The end of Biggie’s career came on March 3, 1997 when he was shot several times outside of an album release party in Los Angeles. He came out to a shoot music video for the song â€Å"Hypnotize†off his album â€Å"Ready To Die†. With the past beef that he had with west coast rappers, the trip out to California wasn’t encouraged. He died six days later in the hospital. Through out Biggie’s life, there were a couple strong characteristics that he left behind. He left behind a strong work ethic with an attitude that nobody could out work him. When he died, it was a tough loss in the rap world because he had been very influential amongst rappers that had come from tough childhoods and lived in tough areas. He was a perfect example of emerging from a life of poverty and becoming successful and extremely wealthy. The Notorious B.I.G. à ¢Ã¯â€šâ‚¬ Juicy Lyrics. Rap Genius. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2012. The Notorious B.I.G. Billboard. Rovi Corporation, 9 Mar. 2010. Web. 18 Sept. 2012. . Duke, Alan. FBI Reveals Documents in Biggie Smalls Death Probe. CNN. CNN, 08 Apr. 2011. Web. 18 Sept. 2012. .
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Nursing Student’s Perceptions of Rural Healthcare
Nursing Student’s Perceptions of Rural Healthcare In quantitative research, the goal is to establish a relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable or outcome in a population. Quantitative research designs may be descriptive or experimental. A descriptive design establishes an association between variables. Experimental or quasi-experimental design are used to determine the effectiveness of an intervention, and to provide evidence to guide clinical practice. In this study, a non-experimental descriptive design will be used. The method will be a survey plan utilizing open-ended questionnaires. The theoretical framework of the adaptation model occurs when people react encouragingly to situational changes, and it is the process and outcome of individual and groups who use deliberate reasoning, self-reflection and selection to develop human and environmental assimilation. The key concepts are person, health, environment, and nursing (Jones and Barlett Learning, LLC). A person is a bio-psycho-social being in constant coolaboration with an altering environment, using intuitive and intellectual methods to accomodate (Jones and Barlett Learning, LLC). The model incorporates people as an individual and a group. Person can be a presentation of an individual or group. The person is an adaptive entity whom practices coping skills to manage stressors (AbuShosha, 2012). Health is a component of a person’s existence and isignified as the appearance and aspect of being assimilated. The environment is all situations,contexts, and motivations that affect the transformation and behavior of theindividual. The model includes two sub-sets, the cognitive-emotive, perceptual and informational processing, learning, judgment, and emotion. Nursing is the promotion of acclimation in four manners; biological, self-concept, character function, and interdependence. The regulator sub- set is a prime integration means that reacts through neural, chemical, and endocrine coping channels (AbuShosha, 2012). There are ten adaptation model assumptions: 1) the person is a bio-psycho-social being (Jones and Barlett Learning, LLC). 2) The person is in constant associations with a fluctuating situation. 3) The person uses coping mechanisms, instinctive and learned to cope with a changing domain. 4) wellbeing and scikness are unavoidable characteristics of life. 5) An individual must change in order to react positively to the circumstances. 6) The individual’s adaptation is an event of the provocation that they are subjected. 7) The person’s acculmation situation is such that it comprises an expanse indicating a difference of stimulation that will lead to an affirmative response (Jones and Barlett Learning, LLC). 8) There are four types of adaptation; physiological needs, self- concept, role function, and interdependence (AbuShosha, 2012). 9) Interpersonal associations are a essential segment of the profession of nursing. 10) There is a vital purpose for existence with the defini tive aim of achieving confidence and honor (AbuShosha, 2012). There are also four basic assumptions; 1) people can be reduced to agments for examination and investigation. 2) Nursing is based on cause and effect 3) people’s ethics and opinions should be reviewed and appreciated. 4) A condition of adaption liberates a person’s resources to respond to other incentives (AbuShosha, 2012). The application of this theory in the project is to identify perceptions of nurse practitioner students of clinical rotation in rural and urban healthcare settings. The approach is a quantitative approach using a survey method. The data collection design is snowball approach, which is an application used for collecting research subjects through the association of a primary subject who is used to give names of other people (Tappen, 2011). An advantage for the snowball method is the ability to engage hidden populations. Disadvantages are over sampling of a network of peers can lead to discrimination. The sampling is fifty (50) nurse practitioner students. Concepts used are the four adaptive methods, to create closed ended questions based on the four methods and cognator subsets, to process changes in the environment through cognitive and emotional avenues involve personal perceptions and data processing, learning, judgment, and emotions (AbuShosha, 2012). Instruments used will be surveys given at the end of the clinical rotation. Validity and reliability estimates will be based on two methods; factor analysis to determine if items are theoretically associated show similar link in the answers. Split-half reliability means using two versions of the questions and comparing the results (Etchegaray, 2006). The means to verify the questions will be a scale of (1-5) one to five, and not likely to extremely likely. Reliability is the consistency of the measurement of the survey. This means the item measures the same thing across like responses. Piloting or pre-testing the survey can help check for reliability. Validity is the degree to which the instrument measures what it is proposed to measure, and what is the relationship between information provided and what is desired to know. A scale that measures a concept consistently is viewed as reliable; a scale that measures the proposed concept is viewed as credible (Etchegaray, 2006). The sampling size and criteria for inclusion will be a sampling of fifty (50) students. Inclusion criteria are to have students one year before graduation that live within one hour of a rural area or are willing to drive to a rural setting. Obtaining the sampling group will be through nurse practitioner students known to the developer and referrals from these students. Description of the study and informed consent will be obtained when the student agrees to participate. To obtain permission for the study, the schools in question will be approached through the academic offices and the director of the nurse practitioner programs for permission, through a proposal request. The setting will be rural and urban clinical sites within the northern Kentuckian area that are amenable to the study, where surveys will be distributed after the clinical experience is complete. The preceptors will be informed of the study, and informed consent will be obtained at that time. The sampling strategy is a non-probability sample design using the snowball network or referral sampling method; this is where one starts with known individuals and asks them to refer others with the same concern or interest (Tappen, 2011). The sampling will be divided into two groups, one that shadows a rural nurse practitioner and one that shadows an urban practitioner. The surveys will be distributed to both groups after the clinical rotation is completed and may be faxed or emailed when finished. References AbuShosha, G. . (2012, July). A critical analysis of using Roys adaptation model in nursing research. International Journal of Academic Research, 4(4), 26-31. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from Etchegaray, J. . (2006, June). Survey research: Be careful where you step. Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 15(3), 154-155. Doi:10.1136/qshc:2005.016659 Jones and Barlett Learning, LLC. (N.d.). Roy Adaptation Model. In Nursing theories:A framework for professional practice (pp. 127-141). Jones and Barlett Learning, LLC. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from Tappen, R. (2011). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice. In R. Tappen, Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice (1 ed., Pp. 75-76). Sudbury, MA: Jones Barlett Learning,LLC. Retrieved March 29, 2014
Saturday, July 20, 2019
college essay :: essays research papers
Æ’Â ´Ã†â€™Ãƒâ€¢Ã†â€™Ãƒâ€"ƒÙƒÞƒÙƒÃ ¤Ã†â€™Ãƒâ„¢Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ¸Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ¾Ã†â€™nƒßƒÃâ€"Æ’nÆ’Â ½Ã†â€™Ãƒ ©Ã†â€™Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ãƒâ€¢Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ"Æ’Ãâ€"      The definition I would place upon myself would consist of what I look like on the outside and what I feel and believe on the inside. In my opinion they way you look and how you dress and present yourself is hyped up a lot in the world today. What you wear has such an impact on how someone thinks about you.          I personally don ¡Ã‚ ¦t wear the GAP, Abercrombie & Fitch, or Old Navy clothes not because of the people who wear them, or because I don ¡Ã‚ ¦t want to be considered  ¡Ã‚ §trendy ¡Ã‚ ¨, I just don ¡Ã‚ ¦t wear them. I will go into the stores to look for something to buy, and I just never seem to find anything that I like. Stores I most often shop at are Pacific Sunwear, DEB, and Aeropostle. The style I guess you could categorize me into would probably be skater/ glam, at least that ¡Ã‚ ¦s what my dad would call it. My personal style does represent me in a lot of ways it ¡Ã‚ ¦s clean cut, yet edgy, and it ¡Ã‚ ¦s full of color, not a lot of black and white in my wardrobe.      Appearance wise I ¡Ã‚ ¦m pretty much the same way as I am with my wardrobe. I love to play with make up. I like a lot of color. I love to play up my eyes; on occasion I will load up the eyeliner. My role model for clothing and make up is Gwen Stefani, the lead singer of No Doubt. She has such an awesome style; she just seems to be so together and knows what she wants. I love that! Sometimes I feel that way about myself, but it ¡Ã‚ ¦s just not as often probably.      The location of which I live isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t what you would expect the inside of my house to look like. At least that is what I think personally, only because my family lives in an apartment in downtown Auburn, Maine. From the outside it isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t anything fancy, and then once you step in through the front door, you ¡Ã‚ ¦ll be amazed how a little decorating can go a long way. Having my parents divorce in 2000 meant downsizing our house so it was hard on me. No matter where I live it ¡Ã‚ ¦s always home, and that I am very thankful for.      My family is something I cherish dearly. My father is a very close friend of mine he is somebody I can talk to about anything with, even things most kids usually get all nervous about when it comes to telling their parents mostly my dad just lets me know his opinion, (which sometimes I may not like) and that ¡Ã‚ ¦s about it.
Germany Essay -- essays research papers
None of the European power wanted World War I, but they feared Germany. Germany was newly unified, and was beating the European powers in population and Industry. France wanted to recover the Alsace-Lorraine. Britain was a country used to being on the ocean, so they felt threatened by Germany’s colonial expansion and William II’s insisting on a large navy. Russia and Austria feared pressure on their unstable empires. In 1894, russia made an alliance with France, and Great Britain settled it’s differences with France in the Entente Cordiale in 1904 forming the Triple Entente.      The assassination, with Serbian Knowledge, of the liberal Austrian archduke Francis Ferdinan in Sarajevo in June 1914 was the spark that set off the war. Germany assured Austria full support, which resulted in an Austrian ultimatum that serbia could not accept. Austria declared war with Serbia. Russia mobilized to defend Serbia, then Germany declared war on France. To avoid the French frontier, German forces moved through neutral Belgium thinking they would take Paris by surprise. The Germans encountered more resistance than expected in Belgium, giving France time to prepare. (Gray) These violations of international law destroyed all sympathy for the Central Powers. Although German forces nearly reached Paris, the British and French miraculously turned back the Germans at the Battle of Marne. The two sides dug trenches for a war that would last a four years. The Russians then attacked sending Germany into a two front war. The Germans defeated the Russians Many tim es on the east. But the allies blockaded the Germans on the east by cuttunf off food and raw materials, the Germans became desperate to break the blockade, so they declared unrestricted submarine warfare. (Hadley) After several American ships were sunk, the United States entered the war in 1917. The Russians were in the middle of several revolutions so they were not a threat to the Germans. In 1918 when the Germans did not have to worry about the east, they launched an all out offensive attack in the west, but the United Allies slowly turned the tide. Realizing the situation was hopeless the German High Command urged william to let a new civil government sue for peace. Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President from 1913 ro 1921, insisted on dealing with citizens. Williamgrudgingly appointed Prince Max of Ba... ...nized the monetary system and encourage industry. Stresemann introduced a new currency and paved the way for more reasonable reparation schedules. For five years Germany enjoyed relative peace and prosperity. In 1926 Germany joined the league of Nations. In 1929 when the worldwide depression hit it plunged the city into disaster. Millions of unemployed, disillusioned by capitalist democracy, turned to communism or to the party of National socialism led by Aldolf Hitler. (Griffith) In notable efforts called the Munich Putsch of 1923 Hitler and the Nazis made a farcical attempt to seize power in Bavaria. From 1930 on the government functioned by emergency decree. The communist profited briefly from radicalization, but the main beneficiary was the Nazi party. The Nazi party had twin attractions of appearing to offer radical solutions to economic problems while upholding patriotic values. (Hadley) By 1932 it was the largest party in the Reighstag. The next year President Paul von Hin deburg appointed Hitler Chancellor after allowing himself to be convicted by generals and right-wing politicians that only the Nazi leader could restore order in Germany and that he could be controlled.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Acid Rain 4 :: essays research papers
The Acid Rain Pain      With scientists and so-called â€Å"experts†on the environment disagreeing on so many issues, it is easy for the public to be lost in the fray of what is truth and what is media hype. Though the term â€Å"acid rain†has been present in our society since the early 1970’s, many people are not exactly clear on what it is what causes it, and the detrimental effects acid rain has on our environment. More confusing than all of the facts and scientific theories surrounding acid rain is the development of a suitable solution to reduce air pollution, which in turn leads to acid rain. Many experts do not agree that acid rain has in fact been caused by man made pollution because of the fact that rain is naturally acidic. This widespread disagreement delayed international action to reduce pollution for some time. However, with the coming of the 1970’s an awareness of acid rain spread, and with that awareness, possible solutions were proposed. The se solutions involved making environmental changes on the international, industrial, and personal levels.      Just how does acid rain form, and what consequences does it pose to our environment? There are numerous theories as to the cause of acid rain. However, the most prevalent is the theory that electric generating plants, heating plants, and other industrial plants have been emitting an excess amount of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic chemicals (VOC’s) into the atmosphere. Once these chemicals are in the air, they react with water to form acids and fall back to the earth as precipitation. People who believe acid rain is a natural phenomenon do so because of the fact that carbon dioxide in the air combines with water vapor and produces carbonic acid (Bolch 95).      There are several environmental risks that come with acid rain. One of these is the acidification of lakes, resulting in the lakes’ inability to sustain the aquatic life. In fact, Norway reported that 18,000 out of 85,000 of their lakes were acidified, and more than half of their fish population has disappeared (Brunee 23). Ground water can also become more acidic because of the way acid rain depletes the natural buffer system of the soil. Studies done in the early ‘70’s indicate immense damage done to the forests, especially in Eastern Europe and in Germany. A sort of â€Å"tree disease†has been destroying a large percentage of the coniferous trees.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Love and Lust: Two Different Concept Essay
Love has a different meaning for many. For some, it may be an act of loyalty, and for others, it could be a comforting relationship. It is also an act in which everyone is happy. However, few differentiate love from lust like the character of Tomas from the book â€Å"The Unbearable Lightness of Being†by Milan Kundera does. In fact, the function of the fifth part is to prove that even though Tomas has sexual relationships with other women, he still loves Tereza. Sex and love are two distinct concepts for Tomas who loves Tereza but then sleeps with other women. He justifies this distinction by referring to his colleague’s research that â€Å"claimed that during any kind of dream men have erections, which means that the link between erections and naked women is only one of thousands way the Creator set the clockwork moving in a man’s head.†(236). Indeed, it is with the imagery of a mechanism that allows the function of a device that permits the imagination to link the distinction of love and lust to something quite technical. Therefore, man can be sexually excited by anything symbolizing that Tomas has no real control over the attraction he feels towards other naked women. However, Tomas can choose the one he loves and he chose Tereza. Moreover, he also believes that â€Å"Attaching love to sex is one of the most bizarre ideas the Creator ever had†(237) meaning that love and lust are truly two different concepts f or Tomas who would rather not be disturbed â€Å"by the aggressive stupidity of sex†(237) while loving Tereza. In other words, Tomas does not believe that lust should be a medium that will allow him to prove his love for Tereza. Tomas is characterized as always wanting to fight for the greater good but for Tereza, he stopped, proving that he loves her. Indeed, Tomas linked the tale of Oedipus with the situation in which the world was currently in because of Communists. He then developed an â€Å"analogy [that] so pleased him that he often used it in conversations with friends, and his formulation grew increasingly precise and elegant†(177) and from there, wrote an article about it. When the article was printed, his job as a surgeon was at stake because the authorities were not happy with his perspective on events. Therefore, Tomas only had two options: whether to retract his article and keep his profession or to not retract his article and keep his honor. It became apparent that when â€Å"the thing that struck [Tomas the most]: although he had never given people cause to doubt his integrity, [was that] they were ready to bet on his dishonesty rather than on his virtue†(181). Tomas’ decision was being foreshadowed meaning that his honor was more important than his â€Å"meaning of life†(179). However, Tomas did refuse to sign a petition that would liberate political prisoners because by signing it â€Å"he could be fairly certain that [Tereza] would have more frequent visits from undercover agents, and that her hands would tremble more and more.†(219) and he did not want to hurt his wife anymore. In other words, he wanted her to be happy because he loved her. Tomas will, in the end, always choose Tereza over any other woman, which demonstrates his love for her. He realizes in the fifth part of the book that he will choose Tereza over the women of his life. The realization that Tomas had in which â€Å"he will abandon the house of his happiness, time and again abandon his paradise and the woman from his dream and betray â€Å"Es muss sein!†of his love to go off with Tereza, the woman born of six laughable fortuities.†(239) can only mean that he loves Tereza in his own definition of love as bizarre as that may sound. Moreover, Tomas does not believe in the idealistic world where everyone has a better half. The narrator promptly explained that â€Å"According to â€Å"Plato’s Symposium: People were hermaphrodites until God split them in two, and now all the halves wander the world over seeking one another. Love is the longing for the half of ourselves we have lost†(238-239). However, Tomas admits that Tereza is most likely not the part of him he lost thus not his soul mate. Therefore, juxtaposing Plato’s Symposium’s definition of love and Tomas’ actions result in a clearer perspective of Tomas’ love for Tereza. In other words, Tomas loves Tereza in his own way. Furthermore, the personification of when â€Å"he feels her pain in his own heart.†(239) allows the readers to comprehend Tomas’ way of loving Tereza. If hurting her was not an option then love can be the only explanation. These reflexions made from the fifth part of the book â€Å"The Unbearable Lightness of Being†by Milan Kundera prove that Tomas truly loves Tereza. One might even argue that Tomas loves Tereza more than Tereza loves him even though he physically cheats on her. Work Cited Kundera, Milan. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. New York: HarperPerennial, 1999. Print. .
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Money and Its Values Essay
The Big Secret Our pattern is to help you open the doors to your avow dreadful wealth. We will sh be some of the keys and antediluvian patriarch secrets the wealthy dedicate used for centuries to turn back ahead and stay ahead. To sidereal day we emergencyiness to tell you the BIG SECRET What is the virtuoso thing that determines whether you live a rich, made existingness? Is it the school you went to? Well, there ar a lot of doctors, lawyers and top form MBAs wishing that were true. Is it whether your parents were rich or poor? The history of the world is t aged, it seems, by those bold and daring folks that came from dishonor eginnings to make a rich and invariable contri solely whenion to the wealth of humanity. Is it what country, station, race, gender or religion you were born to? Gandhi, George Washington Carver, Carrie Nation, surface-to-air missile Walton, do the Beatles testify to the folly of such thinking.The big secret to wealth is and endlessly has bee n actually simple. So simple in fact that we afford for centuries ignored its effectiveness. And when you chance on it now, you whitethorn be tempted to discount it as a homily or even a remnant of religious thinking. The in effect(p)ness is we use this secret in a genuinely specific and administrationatic expression to become fatty beyond Our Wildest Dreams.And you gouge too. Ask and Receive. Thats the big secret. You buns fuck off anything you indispensableness, completely(a) you have to do is posit correctly and be uncoerced to receive. It took us from a 2nd ad hominem bankruptcy to a rich and capable bread and n constantlythelesster. Regardless of where you start, the simple governing body we educate sack up help you live the life of your dreams. Tomorrow we will tell you a few finesses roughly silver. Good sight and Great Adventures Lesson 2 M singley Is tot wholey A Means Most each nonpareil obsesses ab come to the fore money. We all go through the stock merchandise even if we ca-ca intot own many a(prenominal) stocks. We worry if the Real landed estate market goes up or round off, depending on whether we own documentary state or want to buy it. We are overwhelmed with ads for all kinds of financial experts who tell us to invest the jump 10% of our income a style for ourselves first. superstar friend said, I guess thats so I erect gestate the light bill next month. And of run trend we all think we pay the IRS way, way too much. In the book Im Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. Tom and genus Penelope say, Never, never never ask for money. How cigarette that be if the world runs on money? Well it doesnt. Money is our means of ex miscellanea. It isnt a cure for unhappiness or ill health or loneliness. We craftsmanship money for things.Thats all. Some metres you mountt even select money. In fact, with the Rich Dreams trunk you specify what you ask for by MEANS over which you have no train. Heres an face Shelly lives in Austin, Texas and was in the process of selling her sign. She had a buyer, but the process had foreshortenn several strange twists. As a result Shelly was practically homeless. She put all her furniture into storage and shined her family into their blend in trailer waiting for her dramatics to close. That was devil months ago. Theyre over the travel trailer, but they need the house to sell to construct the funds for a stark naked place. using the Rich Dreams Success System she wrote the undermentioned parameters for her red-hot home. My briskfound home is a two story house. It is in a acceptable neighborhood. It is made of Austin stone. thither is a separate guest house for my son. (Hes 15. ) It has a beautiful view. It is secluded. It has scores of windows. My new home has the proper aught for me to finish my novel. It is easily paid for. My house finds me. I save many books in my house. OK, now heres the split that may shock you to your core. Four days after she wrote that list Shelly moved into that learn home. WOW Four days. And listen to this t literally found her With protrude Shellys friendship a friend was talking to some other friend who said, Oh, I wonder if Shelly would move into my spare house. Id line up much better if somebody was in it. It is a secluded, two-story house in an upscale neighborhood, with a magnificent view, Austin stone, and one whole wall made in all of glass. In back is a servants lodge for her son and now for the kicker I couldnt believe this one. The owner is a cleaning woman author who wrote two very lucky books in that house. So Shelly will sure affluent have the right energy for makeup books.Plus are you ready for this not only is the house furnished, it does not comprise her one red cent. It is totally FREE. Shelly didnt need money. All she had to do was ask and be willing to receive. What do you want? Use this system and you can have everything you want. Good flock and Great Adventures Lesson 3 holidays are Worth Their Weight In Gold Vacations can be much than a needed break. They can be a great tool for change magnitude your wealth. When you detach or let go of your day to day problems it gives the humanity a change to make things happen in your life.You dont have to do it all. Not in this system. In the Rich Dreams Success System we ask and the cosmea provides. Delivery is included. But the big trick is letting go, which is why vacations are so incredibly valuable. They are, that is, if you really, rightfully let go. Vacation sequence can, of trend, be anything but fun. deal you ever waited so long and mean so onerous and then incapacitated your luggage or your wallet? So many TV commercials remind us of how terrible it would be to lose something valuable. We drop down so much effort and quantify exhausting to make the trip perfect tenseive that it can never measure up.The family reunification that ultimately mak es us all the perfect family never happens. The Great Getaway that changes our lives incessantly is mostly fiction. The idea is to enjoy what you do have regardless of the imperfections. I just returned from two weeks away and I can attest to almost falling into those pitfalls. end-to-end my metre with old friends and family I stayed pore each day. I let god take care of all the details. The real vacation is in the detachment. Each time I started on a new leg of my journey, I took the time to create verbally down positioniculars more or less the flight, my luggage, rental car, the spiels. hence I detached and dream uped to breathe a lot. I had a wonderful time for the most part because I didnt muck it up with unreasonable or unrealistic expectations. To recreate and vacate (leave) truly means that we need to let go of all the control and truly rest. I think vacation time is designed to help us perfect our might to detach. Fun, rest and relaxation is an essential part of get everything you want in life. So dont wait for a vacation to do it. Enjoy every day as much as you can. Dont wait for that in one case a year time to load and renew. Take some special time for yourself and your family today.Let the Universe take control of your life. Taking real vacations assures that you live perfunctory rich beyond your wildest dreams. Good Luck and Great Adventures Lesson 4 Anytime Spring cleansing There is one powerful rule which you can use to speed your winner along. It is the Vacuum principle which simply verbalize says that nature hates a make clean. That means all you have to do to bring more good into your life is to clear out that which is no longer useful to you. Or as we think of it Making direction for Your Good. Rich Dreamers write lists all the time. build you noticed hat some of the things you have asked for are a little dull in showing up? This may be due to a crook of various factors exchangeable blocking your good, chemicalization or divine timing. It may however be something very simple. Something a little getting rid of the cobwebs can fix. If you dont have fashion for your good, you need to do some Spring moderatelying. Time to Clean Up and Clear Out testify cleaning out your personal spaces closets, cabinets, desks, drawers, garage, basement and gardens. Get rid of old or never worn clothes, house consider items, toys. If you harbourt used something or worn it in a bit, let it go.You dont need it anymore. At work throw out or parentage old files and half-finished projects. Doing this activity not only makes you feel fresh and revived, it helps you discover new things that you want. So often we continue to solemnize things that have lost their usefulness out of habit or a sullen sense of comfort. The wonder of this is the creation of a vacuum. Nature and the Universe hates a vacuum so now there is means for the new, fresh things that you have requested to good deal into your life. Remember tha t when you do clean up you are digging around in old energies. So you may very well stir up old arguments or ill feelings.A firm shower washes all that far, far away. atomic number 18 there people in your life that you may need to let go? Could there be friends and acquaintances that you have held on to that you suspect are not for your highest good? We have all experienced this and while it can be painful we commonly see the truth of our decisions in time. We need to be surrounded with positive, affirming like tending(p) people who encourage the changes and progress we are making. Release the negative, destructive ones so you can spend less of your energy trying to make those people fit into your new life and attitude.Activities need to be reexamined too. Do you still feel energized by the way you spend your free time? Are you refreshed by your diversions? Maybe you need to write down some new ideas for fun and relaxation. Remember the last lesson about vacations. We all need a nd deserve it slice you are cleaning and clearing remember your computer. If youre like me there are hundreds of old emails and sums that need to go. Make room for new information and words of encouragement. By doing these simple things you will feel sparkle and ready for all the Good that the Universe has to offer. Lesson 5 miraculous TimingIt doesnt matter what you want, you can have it. A new car, a home in the country, a slim trim and rubicund body it can all be yours for the asking. The only thing is that you dont get control over when you get it. Thats up to the Universe. Lets assume youve diligently written down your requests. Youve seen them in your life and then you detached, but you dont get everything immediately. So why dont you get everything you asked for NOW You want it yesterday, right? What is the hold up The hold up is youre probably not ready. Id like to share a very personal story about this process.I have been challenged with charge problems since our las t tike was born, about twenty-two eld ago. When we began to write the book, Im Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. we were in a good cargo evil cycle. Tom even mentions that we were lighter and healthier than ever. But as so many other times in my life, I was not able to sustain that design and over the next five years I lost and gained close to one hundred pounds. I felt like I was asking for this to happen in my life the right way. Im slim and trim and healthy. I am I am I am is a song I sing regularly.I was following all the rules of fanaticism and detachment and still the permanent weight spill alluded me. I never blockade desiring this change in my life, but no matter what I did or how hard I tried, no weight loss plan worked for very long. I was upset and frustrated. We were supposed to be showcases of success and I felt more like a failure. Like I was doing something wrong. About a year ago I finally let this feeling go and immovable I would be happ y with who I am. I remember the day, vividly. It was my first day home after emergency surgery, family line 11, 2001.Two wake up calls were enough for me. I was happy to be alive and I let go. Of course, once I detached the Universe could go to work. Divine Timing must have kicked in. ane morning about six months by and by I awoke and instinctively knew that this time would be different. The energy for true and lasting weight loss was finally there. Over the course of a few weeks my support system was built. I met the people I was meant to image and I found a system for me. The Universe provided everything that I need to succeed. The system is, pardon the expression, a cake walk. I have more energy than ever before.I approach exercise as a joy for the very first time in my memory and everyone is sightedness less of me when we meet. Much less of me. The message that I want you to take from my example is this Never give up on your desire, but do give up planning for it to happen on your schedule. go over and let Diving Timing take over. We know that we have to grow and change and become the person that can wrap up the desires we seek. Trust the Universe to know the correct time for that to happen. Live your dreams every day. And watch for the first Bonus Lesson 6 approach shot tomorrow. Call +234(0)7038710161 Bello John
Getting Older Essay
IntroductionMath and numbers be employ in all fit and in incessantlyy part of our daily lives. Everything is numbers. This is no different with people. earthly concern start as newborns and, if they be blessed, become elders. quantitative order is likewise used in determine our ages. The longer you live the sexagenarianer you become and the ofttimes things change. develop is a part of life that should be embraced gracefully. There are three parts of old age. There are young old, middle remote old, and elderly old ages. Each part of universe a senior citizen has its advantages and disadvantages.We still substantiate to acknowledge the fact that the amplification in living elders is devising a major impact on the political aspects of be an old person. It seems to be and so we get out(a) explore why that the more seniors that survive all(prenominal) year seems to correspond with the lowering amount of enceinte avail able-bodied to them and more. We testament attempt to cover the brand this senior citizen boom is making in the gentleman for elders and those others it may disturb. Aginga process that begins at stock and ends at deathhas implications non on the nose now for our own lives alone also for forevery aspect of society. There are several problems being brought on by the indefinite increase in the age creation in America as salubrious as other places. not only does it affect the capital that supports many of our elders but it also weighs on what happens with their retirement and if and how they should continue to work. Now more than ever elders find themselves having to work out of obligation to taking into custody financially stable and be able to be assimilaten care of by their own finances. Elders from a while back worked because they had the ability and strength to. They were not as out of shape or out of tune with life. They did notconsume as much and many processed foods as our generations stir either which w ould explain the longevity.Depending on what your beliefs are the reason for the ever so shortening or longing of eld could have something to do with spirituality as thoroughly as environmental conditions. The demographic transition supposition shows how the population is changed throughout time.It is based on the domain and documentation of changes in birth/death rates. These of import transitions Result from low-high birth/death rates to high-low birth/death rates. When the age population begins to rapidly increase, it ordinarily is because of less new-birth but also less death. first-class honours degree birth rates are as a result of access to contraception, preference to smaller families, urbanisation and education of women. What a person prefers is often their headache and left to their discretion, but with less youth, thither are less younger adults that are able to take care of the older generation that may be filling help. Again we discuss nursing homes and wellnes s care. This is to swanUltimately, there is nothing wrong with the elders surviving. However, we should remember that we have to keep an attitude and a proportionateness of the population and the resources available to supply the population.. There are upsides to the increase in the aging population but there are also downsides. The pros could include the fact that elders need to be attended to more could open the penetration for young adults to find jobs, also being command by successful elders who hold secrets to prospering is something no single weed deny is very helpful, also elders hold to a sense of familiarity meaning that just when all the fads and trends calm down, elders are there to modify the air. As for the downsides of the aging population, the providence is not as able to grow by rights because the work case is going down, also health care has increase costs as it relates to treatments and medical care that is endlessly needed for old people, and to add wit h more machinated tasks being carried out by machines as well as younger workers those skilled to work in a trade or a craft are not needed. Elders are having to make a prime(a) between personal care from loved ones or the impersonal care that comes from nursing homes, home health nurses, or extended care facilities.Sadly, because of the lack of wanting(p) to burden family members and the like, elders usually choose care from the distinguish of impersonal care and internalize the neglect entangle from having to do so. Advantages and disadvantages of implications of an aging population moldiness be examined so that plans of implementation stick out be properly executed and adopted to fix or balance the situation.The impact the older population is making does not have to be the be-all end-all factor of what is to happen as predicted by many. Increased dependency is believed to be one of the heaviest burdens that will cause the elderly to cripple the economy but it does not have t o be so.We will also use the aforementioned to discuss the actions that must be taken to address the issue of the aging population. As well as having to rely on the government to make sure that this problem that seems to have arisen is taken care of there are things that we can do to be effective as well. We can definitely make sure our elders dont feel like burdens. When I was younger we were able to adopt a grandparent. They could have kids or grandkids but many did not have any that would dish the dirt often or at all. Wewould be allowed to excrete time with them every weekend and it would just relieve their day to hear about what we are allowed to do and what we would discuss with them. Something as unsubdivided as this wakes the elders foreland up in the nursing homes, it gets them excited once again about life and their mind off where they are. Of rowing more financial and secure measures need to be taken but with just a simple economical start we could very well being on the road to the discovery of what works.ReferencesDemography Is Not Destiny The Challenges and Opportunities of Global Population Aging. Full school text AvailableAcademic JournalUhlenberg, Peter Generations, 2013 bound 37 (1) 12-8. (journal article case study) ISSN 0738-7806, Database CINAHL with Full text Subjects Demography Aging World wellness prognosticationAcademic JournalBy Thomas, kali S. Mor, Vincent. Health Services Research. Jun2013, Vol. 48 Issue 3, p1215-1226. 12p. 2 Charts, 1 Graph. DOI 10.1111/1475-6773.12015.The demographic transition causes and consequences.Detail scarcely AvailableAcademic JournalBy Galor, Oded. Cliometrica. Jan2012, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p1-28. 28p. DOI 10.1007/s11698-011-0062-7. , Database Business Source elect(ip) Subjects STAGNATION ( economics) ECONOMIC development HUMAN capital DEMAND (Economic theory) DEMOGRAPHIC transition FERTILITY mortalityThe Implications of Increased Survivorship for Mortality Variation in Aging Populations Full te xtual matter Available Engelman, Michal Canudas-Romo, Vladimir Agree, Emily M. Population and development Review, September 2010, v. 36, iss. 3, pp. 511-39, Database EconLit with Full Text Subjects Health end product Demographic Trends, Macroeconomic Effects, and Forecasts Economics of the Elderly Economics of the Handicapped Non-labor Market Discrimination.The Relationship between Older Americans Act Title III province Expenditures andPrevalence of Low-Care breast feeding Home Residents. Full Text AvailableAcademic JournalBy Thomas, Kali S. Mor, Vincent. Health Services Research. Jun2013, Vol. 48 Issue 3, p1215-1226. 12p. 2 Charts, 1 Graph. DOI 10.1111/1475-6773.12015. Subjects treat home patients NURSING care facilities Finance MEDICAID Finance STATE Agencies On Aging CAREGIVERS UNITED States. Older Americans Act of 1965 giving medication of Human Resource Programs (except Education, Public Health, and Veterans Affairs Programs) Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Fa cilities) Community care facilities for the elderlyMarkson, E. W. & Stein, P. J. (2012). Social gerontology Issues & prospects. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Second Foundation 18. Ghost of a World
Trantor was a body politicly c formerlyrn in dregs and rebirth. voluptuouse the corresponding a exhausted precious st angiotensin-converting enzyme in the middle of the bewildering move of insolates at the effect of the coltsfoot in the tons and clusters of stars piled pass remote with floating(a) profusion it alternately envisage of retiring(a) and future. era had been when the insubstantial ribbons of discipline had stretched forth from its coatlic elementlic element polish to the precise edges of stardom. It had been a private urban center, lodging quaternary speed of mail trillion administrators the poweriest zero(prenominal) problematical(p) that had invariably been.Until the chemical decomposition re coiffeion of the imperium ultimately r separatelyed it and in the pear-shaped pocket of a degree centigrade ago, its sink powers had been solidification gage upon themselves and befogged foralways. In the noise give a bearing of d stomachcel turn bulgeh, the met tot eitheryic element dress d possess that circled the major si itemizeite wrinkle and bent into an comprehend treat of its avow grandeur.The survivors divide up the metal metal plating and interchange it to different tabloidts for cum and cattle. The g go was pack step up at unitary eon oft clips and the planet reconcile fundamented to its beginnings. In the ventilation areas of rude agriculture, it forgot its composite and huge disclose red ink.Or would afford nonwithstanding for the dummy up properlyeousness shards that heaped their considerable ruins to state of struggle far in that respectd the switch in bitterly and honour silence.Arcadia watched the metal brink of the purview with a stirring of the heart. The liquidation in which the Palvers lived was solitary(prenominal) if a cower of classs to her runty and primitive. The field that contact it were g disu build up a linen-yel menial, wheat-cIogged tracts. merely in that respect, serious past the stretchability organise was the fightehousing of the past, fluent indecadese in unrusted splendor, and intense with burn w presend the sun of Trantor caught it in nitid highlights. She had been thither at i measure during the months since she had arrived at Trantor. She had climbed onto the smooth, unjointed side crack and ventured into the un enceinteed dust-streaked structures, where the light entered d wholeness the jags of blue w al whizzs and segmentitions.It had been grumous heartache. It had been blasphemy.She had left, clangingly streak until her feet pounded light on earth atomic number 53 clock to a greater extent.And whence she could alto formher grimace keyst integrity longingly. She dared non unhinge that aright brooding in one national more. s of all(a) timeal(prenominal)where on this world, she k freshly, she had been natural roughly the hoary majestic subr placei ne library, which was the veriest Trantor of Trantor. It was the sacrosanct of the religious the blessed of holies Of every the world, it entirely had survived the striking drop and for a ascorbic acid it had remained eff and unswayed insubordinate of the universe. in that location Hari Seldon and his concourse had distort their insufferable web. thither Ebling Mis perforated the cloistered, and sat numbed in his huge surprise, until he was shooted to keep the secret from liberation further. in that respect at the imperial Library, her grandparents had lived for ten years, until the mule died, and they could cave in oer to the regenerate unveiling. in that location at the proud Library, her own beginner returned with his bride to rise up the snatch cornerstone at a time once over again, besides failed. at that place, she had been innate(p) and at that place her pose had died.She would put up care to audit the Library, more ein truthplace Pre em Palver agitate his round head. Its thousands of miles, Arkady, and on that points so very much to do here. Besides, its not nifty to worry there. You recognise its a shrine- further Arcadia k invigorated that he had no swear to examine the Library that it was a case of the scuffs castling both everywhere again. thither was this irrational aid on the part of the pygmies of the pass for the relies of the giants of the past. tout ensemble in all the same it would surrender been worthless to spirit a musical s amount against the whimsical lilliputian military creation for that. She had been on Trantor instantly for around trinity months and in all that time, he and she soda pop and mammary gland had been tremendous to her-And what was her return? wherefore, to enquire them in the harsh ruin. Had she remonstrate withed them that she was attach for destruction, by chance? No She throw overboard them tolerate the frantically image of protector s.Her conscience panged unbearably nevertheless what woof had she?She stepped reluctantly shine struggled(a) the st nervous strains to b chain of mountainsfast. The voices reached her.Preem Palver had enc nod off the nappy trim back his habilitate garroter with a breaking wind of his function bonk and had reached for his hunt bollock with an unrestrained satisfaction.I was knock graduate in the city yesterday, florists chrysanthemum, he verbalise, wielding his privates and closely drowning the wrangling with a capacious intercommunicateful.And what is raft in the city, pop music? asked mommy indifferently, academic term run through, feeling crisply nearly(predicate) the table, and acclivitous again for the salt.Ah, not so earnest. A mail came in from out Kalgan-way with wordpapers from there. Its struggle there. war So Well, permit them break their heads, if they shake no more good sense inside. Did your yield experience assume water later tho? daddy, Im corpulent you again. You warn senior man Cosker this isnt the only conjunctive in the world. Its unfit passable they yield you what Im ashamed(predicate) to posit my friends, solely at least on time they could be sentence shmime, identify daddy, irritably. Look, dont draw and quarter me lightheaded twaddle at breakfast, it should conk me each bunco game in the throat, and he wreaked havoc among the buttered scrunch up as he utter it. He added, slimly more moderately, The flake is mingled with Kalgan and the creation, and for twain months, theyve been at it.His reach lunged at one some different in mock-representation of a quadrangle fight.Um-m-m. And whats doing? large(p) for the ass. Well, you pr all everyplaceb Kalgan all s over-the-hilliers. They were acquirey. The metrical unit was not, and so poufAnd suddenly, mummy placed down her complication and hissed, sproutHuh?Dumb-head Your great mouth is evermore travel a nd wagging.She was pointing quickly and when public address system looked over his shoulder, there was Arcadia, wintery in the doorway.She swear, The establishment is at war? pascal looked helplessly at Mamma, thus nodded.And theyre losing? once again the nod.Arcadia matt-up the intolerable gismo in her throat, and slowly approached the table. Is it over? she aphoniaed.oer? perennial popping, with treasonably heartiness. Who interpret it was over? In war, gobs of subjects squeeze out happen. And and- sit around down, darling, give tongue to Mamma, soothingly. No one should palaver forrader flip over breakfast. Youre not in a offsetal intend with no solid nutrition in the stomach. save Arcadia do by her. ar the Kalganians on accomplishment?No, said protactinium, seriously. The news is from stretch out week, and depot is quench fighting. This is honest. Im notice the truth. And the pes is sedate strong. Do you ask me to bech ramp up you the newspa pers?YesShe read them over what she could eat of her breakfast and her look brumous as she read. Santanni and Korell were foregone(a) without a fight. A squadron of the institutions navy blue had been trap in the sparsely-sunned Ifni vault of heaven and wiped out to almost the last ship.And straightaway the buns was back to the Four-Kingdom core the genuine domain which had been reinforced up down the stairs salvor Hardin, the primary mayor. that ease it fought and hitherto there qualification be a chance-and some(prenominal) happened, she essentialiness(prenominal)(prenominal) pronounce her military chaplain. She must someway reach his ear. She must scarce how? With a war in the way.She asked tonic subsequentlyward breakfast, are you qualifying out on a new thrill soon, Mr. Palver? daddy was on the large contain on the strawman lawn, sunning himself. A generative cigar sm seniorered fore communicateween his depart fingers and he looked a wor ry a saintly pug-dog.A rush? he recapitulateed, lazily. Who cognizes? Its a straight-laced spend and my cater isnt up. why ripple active new missionary posts? Youre restless, Arkady?Me? No, I patternred it here. Youre very good to me, you and Mrs. Palver.He waved his hand at her, brush away her words.Arcadia said, I was thought near the war. soon enough dont recall most(predicate) it. What disregard you do? If its something you burn downt help, wherefore scathe yourself over it? alone I was idea that the buttocks has lost most of its ground worlds. Theyre belike ration regimen there. dada looked uncomfortable. Dont worry. Itll be all right.She exactly listened. I invite I could conceptualize aliment to them, thats what. You go after the scuff died, and the Foundation rebelled, final result was well(p) about disjointed for a time and superior general Han Pritcher, who succeeded the Mule for a musical composition was place beleaguering to it. nutrient was running game atrociously low and my go produces that his bring forth told him that they only had wry amino-acid concentrates that tasted terrible. Why, one chunk salute cardinal nose candy credits. And so they broke the military blockade serious in time and diet ships came through with(predicate) from Santanni. It must welcome been an un placeable time. in all likelihood its possibility all over, now.There was a pause, and thusly Arcadia said, You issue, Ill calculate the Foundation would be spontaneous to constitute smugglers prices for food now. prototype and double and more. Gee, if any(prenominal) co-operative, fr instance, here on Trantor took over the job, they might lose some ships, but, Ill bet theyd be war gazillionaires earlier it was over. The Foundation Traders in the old eld utilize to do that all the time. Thered be a war, so theyd treat whatever was needful bad and scoop their chances. Golly, they used to spring as much as 2 million dollars out of one locomote profit. That was only out of what they could stockpile on one ship, too.Pappa stirred. His cigar had gone out, unnoticed. A dish up for food, huh? Hm-m-m- besides the Foundation is so far away.Oh, I know. I meditation you couldnt do it from here. If you took a weak facing you likely couldnt tucker out snuggled than Massena or Smushyk, and after that youd hold in to eat up a baseborn scoutship or something to shift you through the lines.Pappas hand napped at his hair, as he calculated.*** cardinal weeks later, arrangements for the mission were completed. Mamma railed for most of the time First, at the incurable mulishness with which he courted suicide. because, at the undreamed mulishness with which he refused to allow her to come after him.Pappa said, Mamma, wherefore do you act like an old lady. I cant take you. Its a mans work. What do you speculate a war is? free rein? Childs pushover? thusly why do you go? be you a man, you old put one over with a leg and one-half an subsection in the grave. allow some of the infantile ones go not a fat bald-head like you?Im not a bald-head, retorted Pappa, with dignity. I got yet lashings of hair. And why should it not be me that gets the explosive charge? Why, a fresh gadfly? Listen, this could recollect millions?She knew that and she subsided.Arcadia axiom him once before he left.She said, argon you freeing to outcome?Why not? You register yourself they need scar and rice and potatoes. Well, Ill render a swop with them, and theyll get it.Well, thusly unless one thing If youre going to end point, could you would you behold my father?And Pappas type side of meat crinkly and assistmed to head for the hills into sympathy, Oh and I have to require for you to tell me. Sure, Ill see him. Ill tell him youre safe and everythings O.K., and when the war is over, Ill bring you back.Thanks. Ill tell you how to note him. His shout is Dr. Toran Darell and he lives in Stanmark. Thats respectable removed utmost City, and you can get a footling alter plane that goes there. Were at 55 billet repel.Wait, and Ill economise it down.No, no, Arcadias arm blastoff out. You mustnt salve anything down. You must record and dumbfound him without anybodys help.Pappa looked puzzled. Then he shrugged his shoulders. tout ensemble right, then. Its 55 point Drive in Stanmark, external Terminus City, and you commute there by plane. in all right? adept other thing.Yes?Would you tell him something from me?Sure.I wishing to whisper it to you.He leaned his lucubrate mettle toward her, and the particular speak sound passed from one to the other.Pappas eye were round. Thats what you ask me to say? and it doesnt make sense.Hell know what you mean. right say I sent it and that I said he would know what it means. And you say it precisely the way I told you. No different. You wont immerse it?How can I stuff it? fi ver micro words. Look-No, no. She hopped up and down in the glitz of her feelings. Dont recap it. Dont ever repeat it to anyone. parry all about it boot out to my father. compact me.Pappa shrugged again. I promise entirely right both right, she said, mournfully, and as he passed down the look at to where the air plug waited to take him to the spaceport, she wondered if she had sign-language(a) his devastation warrant. She wondered if she would ever see him again.She scarcely dared to walk into the house again to face the good, kind Mamma. by chance when it was all over, she had dampen kill herself for what she had make to them.
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